The following document contains the results of FindBugs Report
FindBugs Version is 1.2.1
Threshold is Low
Effort is Max
Classes | Bugs | Errors | Missing Classes |
1566 | 2074 | 0 | 0 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 668 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 764 |
Nullcheck of auxObj at line 766 of value previously dereferenced in comum.database.Dao.pesquisarDuplos(Object, String[], String) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 764 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Unread field: comum.util.Data.timeZone | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 24 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in comum.util.FileUpload.verificaValorCampoDataBanco(List, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 144 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 328 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 371 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
comum.util.Mensagem.Mensagem(ServletContext) may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 42 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method comum.util.Pagina.getParamStr(HttpServletRequest, String) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 116 |
Method comum.util.Pagina.getParamStr(HttpServletRequest, String, boolean) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 155 |
Comparison of String objects using == or != in comum.util.Pagina.getParamOrDefault(HttpServletRequest, String, String) | BAD_PRACTICE | ES_COMPARING_STRINGS_WITH_EQ | 269 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in comum.util.Pagina.getParamDataBanco(HttpServletRequest, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 232 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Primitive value is boxed and then immediately unboxed in comum.util.Util.converteParaKb(double) | PERFORMANCE | BX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBOXED | 645 |
Primitive value is boxed and then immediately unboxed in comum.util.Util.converteParaMb(double) | PERFORMANCE | BX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBOXED | 658 |
comum.util.Util.getTagDica(String, String, String) might ignore java.lang.Exception | BAD_PRACTICE | DE_MIGHT_IGNORE | 1090 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 263 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 275 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 295 |
Method comum.util.Util.converteParaKb(double) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 645 |
Method comum.util.Util.converteParaMb(double) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 658 |
comum.util.Util.stripHTML(String) invokes inefficient new String() constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_VOID_CTOR | 1273 |
Redundant nullcheck of string, which is known to be non-null in comum.util.Util.removeEspacosDuplicados(String) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 340 |
Redundant nullcheck of string, which is known to be non-null in comum.util.Util.todasPrimeirasLetrasToUpperCase(String) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 291 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in comum.util.Util.getTagDica(String, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1090 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in comum.util.Util.getTagDica(String, String, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1152 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in comum.util.Util.getTagDicaComImagemParecer(String, String, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1119 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class name comum.util.Util$miTM doesn't start with an upper case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_CLASS_NAMING_CONVENTION | 1228-1233 |
Should comum.util.Util$miTM.getAcceptedIssuers() return a zero length array rather than null? | STYLE | PZLA_PREFER_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAYS | 1229 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.bean.DetalhamentoTotaisConta.getDetalhesContas() may expose internal representation by returning DetalhamentoTotaisConta.detalhesContas | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 25 |
ecar.bean.DetalhamentoTotaisConta.setDetalhesContas(Double[][]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DetalhamentoTotaisConta.detalhesContas | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 29 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.bean.ItemWebServiceBean.getDataFinal() may expose internal representation by returning ItemWebServiceBean.dataFinal | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 92 |
ecar.bean.ItemWebServiceBean.getDataInicial() may expose internal representation by returning ItemWebServiceBean.dataInicial | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 112 |
ecar.bean.ItemWebServiceBean.ItemWebServiceBean(Long, String, String, Collection, String, Date, Date, Collection) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemWebServiceBean.dataFinal | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 61 |
ecar.bean.ItemWebServiceBean.ItemWebServiceBean(Long, String, String, Collection, String, Date, Date, Collection) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemWebServiceBean.dataInicial | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 60 |
ecar.bean.ItemWebServiceBean.setDataFinal(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemWebServiceBean.dataFinal | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 102 |
ecar.bean.ItemWebServiceBean.setDataInicial(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemWebServiceBean.dataInicial | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 122 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.bean.OrdenacaoDataTpfa.getData() may expose internal representation by returning | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 55 |
ecar.bean.OrdenacaoDataTpfa.setData(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 67 |
ecar.bean.OrdenacaoDataTpfa.FUNCAO_INICIO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 19 |
ecar.bean.OrdenacaoDataTpfa.FUNCAO_LIMITE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 20 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to acompRealFisico in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.atualizar(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 538 |
Dead store to acompRealFisico in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.atualizarFilho(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 675 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getArfsPosteriores(AcompRealFisicoArf) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1767 |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getIndResulByAcompRefItemBySituacao(AcompReferenciaItemAri, String, boolean) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1271 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getSomaValoresArfs(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 841 |
Method ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getSomaValoresArfs(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, List) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 841 |
Redundant nullcheck of valor, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getQtdIndicadorGrupoRealizadaExercicioNaoAcumulavel(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, ExercicioExe, long, long) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 1932 |
Redundant nullcheck of valor, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getQtdRealizadaExercicioNaoAcumulavel(ExercicioExe, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, AcompReferenciaAref) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 808 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao.getQuantidadeRealizadaNaoAcumulados(AcompReferenciaItemAri, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 419 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-347 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1408 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoLocalDao.getAcompRealFisicoLocalByArf(AcompRealFisicoArf) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 235 |
Dead store to acompRealFisicoDao in ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoLocalDao.salvar(List, AcompRealFisicoArf) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 176 |
Method ecar.dao.AcompRealFisicoLocalDao.salvar(AcompRealFisicoLocalArfl) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 131 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to exercicio in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaDao.getExercicio(String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 592 |
Dead store to arefResultado in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaDao.getPeriodosAnterioresOrdenado(Long, int, Long, boolean) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 790 |
Dead store to aberto in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaDao.getListAcompReferenciaByTipoAcompanhamentoAbertos(Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 959 |
Nullcheck of queryAcompanhamentos at line 809 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaDao.getPeriodosAnterioresOrdenado(Long, int, Long, boolean) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 801 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.aplicarFiltros(Collection, Collection, TipoAcompanhamentoTa, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1878 |
Dead store to query in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.criarMapPeriodoAri(Collection, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2312 |
Dead store to numPeriodos in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getAcompItemReferenciasOrderByReferecias(AcompReferenciaItemAri, Collection) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3801 |
Dead store to query in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getAcompItemReferenciasOrderByReferecias(AcompReferenciaItemAri, Collection) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3783 |
Dead store to acompRealFisico in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getNovosIndicadores(AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1306 |
Dead store to listaIndicadores in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getNovosIndicadores(AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1311 |
Dead store to listEmpresa in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.liberarAcompanhamentos(Set, UsuarioUsu, boolean, ConfigMailCfgm) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 870 |
Dead store to listAris in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.listarArisAndIetts(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3738 |
Dead store to listIetts in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.listarArisAndIetts(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3739 |
Dead store to administradorAcompanhamento in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.usuarioAdministraAcompanhamentoNaoLiberado(ItemEstruturaIett, Set, AcompReferenciaItemAri, TipoAcompanhamentoTa) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3876 |
Dead store to acompRefItem in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.verificaItemMesAno(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1195 |
Dead store to tafc in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getDadosEvolucaoPosicao(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3146 |
Dead store to tafc in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getDadosEvolucaoPosicaoGrafico(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3286 |
Dead store of null to mapReferenciaRelatorio in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.agrupaRelatorioTpfa_e_Aref(List, Collection) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 3830 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getDadosEvolucaoPosicao(HttpServletRequest) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 3091 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getDadosEvolucaoPosicaoGrafico(HttpServletRequest) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 3231 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.usuarioAdministraAcompanhamentoNaoLiberado(ItemEstruturaIett, Set, AcompReferenciaItemAri, TipoAcompanhamentoTa) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 3876 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 4574 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 4386 |
Method ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.calculoProjecao(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 2623 |
Method ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.criaMapCalculoProjecao(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, int, int, int, int) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 2394 |
Method ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.criaMapCalculoProjecao(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, int, int, int, int) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 2399 |
Method ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.criaMapCalculoProjecao(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, int, int, int, int) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 2404 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.RELATORIO_ESTRUTURA isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 94 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.RELATORIO_ORGAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 90 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.RELATORIO_ORGAO_ESPECIFICO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 91 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.RELATORIO_SITUACAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 92 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.RELATORIO_SITUACAO_ESPECIFICO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 93 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.STATUS_EM_EDICAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 87 |
ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.STATUS_LIBERADO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 88 |
Possible null pointer dereference of listCores in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getItensAcompanhamentoFiltroItens(Long, Collection, Collection, Collection, UsuarioUsu, Set, Collection, Boolean, OrgaoOrg, HttpServletRequest) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1797 |
Possible null pointer dereference of listTipoFuncoesAcompanhamento in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getItensAcompanhamentoFiltroItens(Long, Collection, Collection, Collection, UsuarioUsu, Set, Collection, Boolean, OrgaoOrg, HttpServletRequest) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1816 |
Method call in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.ordenarListaRelatorioAcompanhamento(List, String) passes null for unconditionally dereferenced parameter of java.util.Collections.sort(List, Comparator) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF | 3508 |
Nullcheck of acompRefItem at line 1587 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getAcompRelatorioArelOrderByFuncaoAcomp(AcompReferenciaItemAri) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 1582 |
Nullcheck of listTipoFuncoesAcompanhamento at line 1821 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getItensAcompanhamentoFiltroItens(Long, Collection, Collection, Collection, UsuarioUsu, Set, Collection, Boolean, OrgaoOrg, HttpServletRequest) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 1816 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getAcompRelatorioArelOrderByFuncaoAcomp(AcompReferenciaItemAri) | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 1594 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getAcompRelatorioArelOrderByFuncaoAcomp(AcompReferenciaItemAri, List) | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 1516 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getAcompRelatorioArelOrderByFuncaoAcomp(List, List) | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 1558 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.calculoProjecao(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 2653 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.filtrarAtributosLivres(HttpServletRequest, ItemEstruturaIett, List, Iterator, List) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 4782 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.filtrarItemData(HttpServletRequest, String, ItemEstruturaIett, List, Iterator, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 4443 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.filtrarItemString(HttpServletRequest, String, ItemEstruturaIett, List, Iterator) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 4392 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.filtrarItemValor(HttpServletRequest, String, ItemEstruturaIett, List, Iterator, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 4493 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getDadosEvolucaoPosicao(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 3193 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.getDadosEvolucaoPosicaoGrafico(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 3333 |
Useless control flow in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao.aplicarFiltros(Collection, Collection, TipoAcompanhamentoTa, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW | 2093 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-2778 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-2885 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3502 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Possible null pointer dereference of org1 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3524 |
Possible null pointer dereference of org2 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3524 |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$4 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3524 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Possible null pointer dereference of cor1 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3548 |
Possible null pointer dereference of cor2 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3548 |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$5 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3548 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Possible null pointer dereference of org1 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3578 |
Possible null pointer dereference of org2 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3578 |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$6 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3578 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Possible null pointer dereference of org1 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3606 |
Possible null pointer dereference of org2 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3606 |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$7 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3606 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Possible null pointer dereference of cor1 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3627 |
Possible null pointer dereference of cor2 in ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$, Object) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 3627 |
The class ecar.dao.AcompReferenciaItemDao$8 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3627 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.OPERACAO_NEGADA_FUNCAO_SUPERIOR_LIBERADA isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 46 |
ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.OPERACAO_NEGADA_POSICAO_EM_EDICAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 47 |
ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.OPERACAO_NEGADA_POSICAO_LIBERADA isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 45 |
ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.OPERACAO_NEGADA_USUARIO_SEM_PERMISSAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 43 |
ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.OPERACAO_PERMITIDA isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 42 |
ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.OPERACAO_NEGADA_DATA_ULTRAPASSADA isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 48 |
Nullcheck of acompRelatorio at line 121 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.AcompRelatorioDao.podeAcessarRelatorio(UsuarioUsu, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, AcompRelatorioArel) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 115 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 94 |
Redundant nullcheck of dataDe, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.AgendaOcorrenciaDao.pesquisar(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 96 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.AgendaOcorrenciaDao.pesquisar(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 112 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to codIett in ecar.dao.ApontamentoDao.setApontamento(HttpServletRequest, ApontamentoApt) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 38 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AtributoDao.getAtributosNaoOpcionais() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 40 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AtributoDao.getAtributosOpcionais() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 57 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to atributoDemanda in ecar.dao.AtributoDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaAtivosOrdenadosPorSequenciaLista() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 208 |
Dead store to atributoDemanda in ecar.dao.AtributoDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaAtivosOrdenadosPorSequenciaTelaCampo() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 233 |
Dead store to atributoDemanda in ecar.dao.AtributoDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaAtivosPorGrupo(SisGrupoAtributoSga) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 257 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AtributoDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaAtivosOrdenadosPorSequenciaLista() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 207 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AtributoDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaAtivosOrdenadosPorSequenciaTelaCampo() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 232 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.AtributoDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaAtivosPorGrupo(SisGrupoAtributoSga) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 256 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 199 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to valor in ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.validarValor(String, List, String, String, ImportacaoImp) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 858 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.StrToLong(String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 756 |
Dead store to ACAO in ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.criarContas(Object[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1146 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1150 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 365 |
Method ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.valoresStringToDouble(String) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 978 |
The method name ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.StrToLong(String) doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_METHOD_NAMING_CONVENTION | 756-762 |
ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.criticaArquivoImportado(File, ConfiguracaoCfg, UsuarioUsu, HttpServletRequest) may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 287 |
ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.gerarArquivoExportacaoTxt(String, String, String, String, ConfiguracaoCfg) may fail to close stream on exception | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM_EXCEPTION_PATH | 137 |
Redundant nullcheck of versao, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.validarSistemaMesAno(String, ConfigSisExecFinanCsef, String, String, String, List, ImportacaoImp) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 927 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.gerarArquivoExportacaoTxt(String, String, String, String, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 238 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.criarContas(Object[]) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1289 |
Private method ecar.dao.ConfigSisExecFinanDao.valoresStringToDouble(String) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 967-979 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to listCtfa in ecar.dao.CorDao.excluirCor(Cor) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 276 |
Dead store to $L8 in ecar.dao.CorDao.uploadImagem(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 174 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 138 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.CorDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-415 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.DestaqueSubAreaDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-126 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.DestaqueSubAreaDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-170 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to local in ecar.dao.EntidadeDao.setLocaisEntidade(HttpServletRequest, EntidadeEnt) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 167 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to it in ecar.dao.EstAtribTipoAcompEataDao.getEstAtribTipoAcompEata(TipoAcompanhamentoTa) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 83 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The method name ecar.dao.EstruturaAcessoDao.PermissaoAcessoGrupoEstrutura(Set, EstruturaEtt, short) doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_METHOD_NAMING_CONVENTION | 743-761 |
Unread field: ecar.dao.EstruturaAcessoDao.validaPermissao | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 39 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.EstruturaAtributoDao.getDescricaoItemByAtributo(ItemEstruturaIett, TipoAcompanhamentoTa) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 391 |
Method ecar.dao.EstruturaAtributoDao.getDescricaoItemByAtributo(ItemEstruturaIett, TipoAcompanhamentoTa) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 396 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.EstruturaAtributoDao.alterar(HttpServletRequest, EstruturaAtributoEttat) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 160 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.EstruturaDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1011 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.EstruturaDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1041 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.EstruturaDao$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1086 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.EstruturaDao$4 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1124 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.EstruturaDao$5 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1143 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.EstruturaDao$6 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1178 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to estruturaFuncao in ecar.dao.EstruturaFuncaoDao.getLabelFuncao(EstruturaEtt, Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 185 |
Redundant nullcheck of ?, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.EstruturaFuncaoDao.setEstruturaFuncao(HttpServletRequest, EstruturaFuncaoEttf, boolean) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.ExercicioDao.getExeByPerExe(ExercicioExe) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 582 |
Dead store to resultado in ecar.dao.ExercicioDao.getExerciciosAnteriores(ExercicioExe) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 165 |
Dead store to resultado in ecar.dao.ExercicioDao.getExerciciosComSobreposicaoData(ExercicioExe) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 94 |
Dead store to resultado in ecar.dao.ExercicioDao.getExerciciosPosteriores(ExercicioExe) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 358 |
Redundant nullcheck of retorno, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.ExercicioDao.getExeByPerExe(ExercicioExe) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 602 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioDemandasDao.gerarArquivoExportacaoTxt(String, List, ConfiguracaoCfg) may fail to close stream on exception | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM_EXCEPTION_PATH | 73 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioDemandasDao.gerarArquivoExportacaoTxt(String, List, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 150 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to abaDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 619 |
Dead store to configuracaoDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 620 |
Dead store to corDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 618 |
Dead store to orgaoDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 617 |
Dead store to taDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 621 |
Dead store to tipoFuncAcompDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 615 |
Dead store to usuarioDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 616 |
Dead store to item in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoTxt(List, ConfiguracaoCfg, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 83 |
Dead store to itensEstruturaCorrente in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoTxt(List, ConfiguracaoCfg, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 93 |
Dead store to acompReferenciaDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaLinhaMonitoramento(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref, int, int, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 923 |
Dead store to ariDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaLinhaMonitoramento(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref, int, int, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 925 |
Dead store to corDao in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaLinhaMonitoramento(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref, int, int, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 926 |
Dead store to exigeLiberarAcompanhamento in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 623 |
Dead store to itensEstruturaIett in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 607 |
Dead store to dataInicioItens in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoTxt(List, ConfiguracaoCfg, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 126 |
ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 658 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itemEstrutura in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 778 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itemEstruturaIett in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaCabecalhoMonitoramento(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref, ConfiguracaoCfg) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 847 |
Method call in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) passes null for unconditionally dereferenced parameter of EstruturaDao.getAtributosEstruturaDadosGerais(EstruturaEtt) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF | 782 |
ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 737 |
ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoTxt(List, ConfiguracaoCfg, ItemEstruturaIett) may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 167 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoMonitoramentoPorReferenciaTxt(ConfiguracaoCfg, String, String, String, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 807 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.gerarArquivosExportacaoTxt(List, ConfiguracaoCfg, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 268 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaCabecalhoMonitoramento(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 903 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaLinhaCabecalhoEstrutura(Iterator, EstruturaEtt, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 388 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ExportacaoRelatorioItemEstruturaDao.montaLinhaMonitoramento(ItemEstruturaIett, AcompReferenciaAref, int, int, ConfiguracaoCfg) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1172 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.FuncaoDao.getFuncoesNaoOpcionais() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 86 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.FuncaoDao.getFuncoesOpcionais() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 106 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemEstrutLocal in ecar.dao.ItemEstLocalRevIettlrDAO.getAbrangencia(Integer) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 154 |
Dead store to itemEstrutura in ecar.dao.ItemEstLocalRevIettlrDAO.getAbrangencia(Integer) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 153 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Nullcheck of item at line 229 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.ItemEstUsutpfuacDao.getFuacEmitePosicaoOrderByFuncAcomp(ItemEstruturaIett) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 221 |
Nullcheck of item at line 267 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.ItemEstUsutpfuacDao.getFuacOrderByFuncAcomp(ItemEstruturaIett) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 262 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.dao.ItemEstUsutpfuacDao.getFuacEmitePosicaoOrderByFuncAcomp(ItemEstruturaIett) | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 238 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.dao.ItemEstUsutpfuacDao.getFuacOrderByFuncAcomp(ItemEstruturaIett) | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 276 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulCorIettrcorDAO$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-115 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.setItemEstrtIndResul(HttpServletRequest, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr) might ignore java.lang.Exception | BAD_PRACTICE | DE_MIGHT_IGNORE | 107 |
Dead store to estruturaFuncaoQtdePrevista in ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.alterar(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 679 |
Dead store to estruturaFuncaoQtdePrevista in ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.alterar(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, List, List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 887 |
Dead store to indicadoresGrafico in ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.verificarExistenciaNomeIndicadorGraficoGrupo(String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1161 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 175 |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.setItemEstrtIndResul(HttpServletRequest, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 157 |
Redundant nullcheck of qtdePrevista, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.getListaQuantidadePrevista(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 584 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.getQtdPrevistoExercicio(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, ExercicioExe) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 516 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResulDao.getSomaQuantidadePrevista(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 490 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResultLocalIettirlDao.getSomaQtdePrevistaByLocal(Long, ArrayList, Long) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 226 |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstrtIndResultLocalIettirlDao.getQtdePrevistaByLocal(Long, Long, Long) does an unnecessary type check using instanceof operator when it can be determined statically | CORRECTNESS | SIO_SUPERFLUOUS_INSTANCEOF | 101 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemEstrutLocal in ecar.dao.ItemEstrutLocalDao.getAbrangencia(Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 164 |
Dead store to itemEstrutura in ecar.dao.ItemEstrutLocalDao.getAbrangencia(Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 163 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The method name ecar.dao.ItemEstrutUsuarioDao.PermissaoAcessoUsuarioItemEstrutura(ItemEstruturaIett, SegurancaECAR, short) doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_METHOD_NAMING_CONVENTION | 389-445 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstrutUsuarioDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-122 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaContaOrcamentoDao.getItemEstruturaConta(ItemEstruturaIett, ExercicioExe, FonteRecursoFonr, RecursoRec) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 417 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to validaPermissao in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getItensGerarAcompanhamento(OrgaoOrg, AcompReferenciaAref, Set, String, List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1964 |
Dead store to estruturaFuncao in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.atualizaMapItens(HttpServletRequest, HashMap, List, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2475 |
Dead store to dummy in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.completarParaOrdenacao(String, int) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 3337 |
Dead store to itensMap in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.pesquisarNaEstrutura(HttpServletRequest, Long, ServletContext) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2286 |
Dead store to atributos in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.setItemEstrutura(HttpServletRequest, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 225 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1660 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2523 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2553 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2583 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2611 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2695 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2738 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2777 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2806 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2843 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 2880 |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getItensIndConclusao(List, String) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 1744 |
Method call in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getIettToWebService(Long[], boolean, boolean) passes null for unconditionally dereferenced parameter of getNivelIettWebService(Long) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF | 4049 |
Method call in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getIettToWebService(Long[], boolean, boolean) passes null for unconditionally dereferenced parameter of getNivelIettWebService(Long) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF | 4049 |
Redundant nullcheck of codigos, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getIettToWebService(Long[], boolean, boolean) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 3936 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.alterar(HttpServletRequest, UsuarioUsu, Set, HistoricoIett) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1062 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getIettToWebService(Long[], boolean, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 4064 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getItensSelecionaveisFiltradosPorAtributo(List, TipoAcompanhamentoTa) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 4341 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getNomeImgsNivelPlanejamentoItemAgrupado(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 2264 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao.getValorAtributoItemEstrutura(ItemEstruturaIett, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 113 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1673 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3140 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao$4 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3227 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao$5 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-3262 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao$6 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-4422 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaDao$7 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-4457 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Possible null pointer dereference of todasFontes in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaFonteRecursoDao.verificaExistenciaRecursoIett(ItemEstruturaIett) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 663 |
Redundant nullcheck of todasFontes, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaFonteRecursoDao.verificaExistenciaRecursoIett(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 658 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaFonteRecursoDao.excluir(String[], Long) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 576 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaFonteRecursoRevDao.setListaRecurso(HttpServletRequest, EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr, int) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 308 |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaFonteRecursoRevDao.setListaRecurso(HttpServletRequest, EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr, int) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 309 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaFonteRecursoRevDao.excluir(String[], Long) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 533 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoDao.getListaExerciciosItemEstruturaPrevisao(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 756 |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoDao.getListaItemEstruturaPrevisao(ItemEstruturaIett, ExercicioExe) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 719 |
Dead store to INTEGRALIZACAO_CAPITAL_SIM in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoDao.previsaoItem(Long, Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 183 |
Dead store to INTEGRALIZACAO_CAPITAL_SIM in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoDao.previsaoItem(Long, Long, Long, Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 263 |
Dead store to INTEGRALIZACAO_CAPITAL_SIM in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoDao.previsaoItemAcao(Long, Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 132 |
Dead store to INTEGRALIZACAO_CAPITAL_SIM in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoDao.previsaoSomaItensFilhos(Long, Long, Long, Long) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 326 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaPrevisaoRevDao.getListaItemEstruturaPrevisao(ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, ExercicioExe) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 335 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 122 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 246 |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaRealizadoDao.getSomaItemEstruturaRealizado(EfItemEstContaEfiec, ExercicioExe) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 371 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaRealizadoDao.getSomaDetalhadaItemEstruturaRealizado(EfItemEstContaEfiec, ExercicioExe) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 550 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaRealizadoDao.getSomaItemEstruturaRealizado(EfItemEstContaEfiec, ExercicioExe) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 433 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to arquivoGravado in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturaUploadCategoriaDao.setItemEstruturaUploadCategoria(List, ItemEstrUplCategIettuc, String, String, boolean) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 211 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrevDAO.setItemEstruturaRevisao(HttpServletRequest, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 251 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrevDAO.ordenaSetByCompare(Set) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 469 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrevDAO$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-492 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.LocalGrupoDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-158 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.LocalGrupoDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-186 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to locais in ecar.dao.LocalItemDao.salvar(Map) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 297 |
Dead store to locaisTemp in ecar.dao.LocalItemDao.salvar(Map) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 298 |
Dead store to pais in ecar.dao.LocalItemDao.salvar(Map) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 301 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 178 |
Method ecar.dao.LocalItemDao.salvar(Map) makes inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet iterator | PERFORMANCE | WMI_WRONG_MAP_ITERATOR | 317 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.LocalItemDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-221 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.PaginaAreaSiteDao.getPaginaAreaSitePa(String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 62 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.dao.PeriodoRevisaoPrevDao.existeIntersecaoPeriodos(Date, Date, PeriodoRevisaoPrev) | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 68 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.dao.PeriodoRevisaoPrevDao.existePeriodo(Date) | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 88 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.dao.PeriodoRevisaoPrevDao.getPeriodoAtual() | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 107 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemEstrutura in ecar.dao.PontoCriticoDao.setPontoCritico(HttpServletRequest, PontoCriticoPtc) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 142 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itCores in ecar.dao.PontoCriticoDao.setPontoCriticoCor(HttpServletRequest, PontoCriticoPtc) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 424 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itCores in ecar.dao.PontoCriticoDao.setPontoCriticoCor(HttpServletRequest, List, PontoCriticoPtc) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 458 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to resultado in ecar.dao.PopUpDao.getPopUpsApresentadasNoDia(Date) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 99 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.PrioridadeDao.buscar() allocates an object, only to get the class object | PERFORMANCE | DM_NEW_FOR_GETCLASS | 53 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegApontamentoDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-48 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegApontamentoDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-55 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegApontamentoDao$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-81 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegApontamentoDao$4 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-107 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegApontamentoDao$5 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-118 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegApontamentoDao$6 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-125 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegControleAcessoRcaDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-88 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarRestricoesRegDemanda(List, UsuarioUsu, Set, boolean) uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 1224-1226 |
Dead store to entidade in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarFiltrosDinamicosRegDemanda(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1760 |
Dead store to entidadeOrgao in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarFiltrosDinamicosRegDemanda(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1779 |
Dead store to local in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarFiltrosDinamicosRegDemanda(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1741 |
Dead store to parametrosFiltroDemanda in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarFiltrosDinamicosRegDemanda(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1484 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getAtributosDemandaEhFiltro() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2282 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getAtributosLivresDemandaEhFiltro() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2308 |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getAtributosLivresDemandaEhRestritivo() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2334 |
Dead store to localItem in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getHierarquiaLocaisDemanda(RegDemandaRegd) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1095 |
Dead store to entidade in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getValorEntidadesDemanda(RegDemandaRegd, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1142 |
Dead store to entidade in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getValorEntidadesOrgaosDemanda(RegDemandaRegd, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1181 |
Dead store to localItem in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.getValorLocaisDemanda(RegDemandaRegd, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1066 |
Dead store to entidadeOrgao in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.setEntidadeOrgaos(RegDemandaRegd, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 239 |
Dead store to entidade in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.setEntidades(RegDemandaRegd, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 217 |
Dead store to local in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.setLocais(RegDemandaRegd, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 195 |
Dead store to nomeCampo in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarRestricaoAtributosLivresRestritivos(RegDemandaRegd, List, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 2233 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1497 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1888 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 712 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 879 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarRestricaoAtributosLivresRestritivos(RegDemandaRegd, List, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 2263 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.filtrarAtributosLivres(Map, RegDemandaRegd, Iterator, List) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 2108 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.validaUsuarioAltExc(RegDemandaRegd, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 297 |
ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.classificarOrdenacao(String, String, List) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 506 |
Useless control flow in ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarFiltrosDinamicosRegDemanda(List) | STYLE | UCF_USELESS_CONTROL_FLOW | 1802 |
Private method ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao.aplicarRestricaoGruposUsuario(RegDemandaRegd, UsuarioUsu, Set) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 2118-2155 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-424 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-431 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-440 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$4 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-447 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$5 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-473 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$6 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-499 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$7 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-524 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.RegDemandaDao$8 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-531 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to arquivoGravado in ecar.dao.SegmentoCategoriaDao.uploadImagem(SegmentoCategoriaSgtc, List, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 237 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.SegmentoCategoriaDao.setSegmentoCategoria(SegmentoCategoriaSgtc, HttpServletRequest, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 284 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to excluir in ecar.dao.SegmentoDao.excluir(SegmentoSgt, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 110 |
Dead store to arquivoGravado in ecar.dao.SegmentoDao.uploadImagem(SegmentoSgt, List, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 238 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.SegmentoDao.setSegmento(SegmentoSgt, HttpServletRequest, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 288 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getQtdSegmentoItemMaisArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1198 |
Dead store to numPag in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemArtigosPorEditoria(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1695 |
Dead store to qtdPag in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemArtigosPorEditoria(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1694 |
Dead store to teste in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemArtigosPorEditoria(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1662 |
Dead store to todos in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemArtigosPorEditoria(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1661 |
Dead store to numPag in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemMaisArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1025 |
Dead store to qtdPag in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemMaisArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1024 |
Dead store to numPag in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemTodosArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1585 |
Dead store to qtdPag in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemTodosArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1584 |
Dead store to todos in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getSegmentoItemTodosArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1566 |
Dead store to pesquisa in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.pesquisar(SegmentoItemSgti, ServletContext) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 737 |
Dead store to lista in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.pesquisar(UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1491 |
Dead store to itensFixos in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.pesquisar(SegmentoItemSgti, ServletContext) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 742 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1373 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1533 |
Comparison of String objects using == or != in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getQtdSegmentoItemMaisArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | BAD_PRACTICE | ES_COMPARING_STRINGS_WITH_EQ | 1214 |
Redundant nullcheck of todos, which is known to be non-null in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.getQtdSegmentoItemMaisArtigos(ServletContext, UsuarioUsu) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 1209 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.setSegmentoItem(SegmentoItemSgti, HttpServletRequest, boolean, ServletContext, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 564 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.criarCollectionEditoriasPesquisa(SegmentoItemSgti, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 624 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.criarCollectionTipoAcessoPesquisa(SegmentoItemSgti, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 644 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.SegmentoItemDao.pesquisar(SegmentoItemSgti, ServletContext) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 812 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to ptcDao in ecar.dao.ServicoDao.recuperaEstadoDasDatasNaDataBase(PontoCriticoPtc, Date) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 538 |
Dead store of null to primeiroRegistro in ecar.dao.ServicoDao.apuracaoReprogramacaoReducaoPontosCriticos(ItemEstruturaIett, Date) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 419 |
Dead store of null to setHistPtc in ecar.dao.ServicoDao.apuracaoReprogramacaoReducaoPontosCriticos(ItemEstruturaIett, Date) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE_OF_NULL | 417 |
Possible null pointer dereference of historico in ecar.dao.ServicoDao.apuracaoReprogramacaoExtensaoPontosCriticos(ItemEstruturaIett, Date) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 359 |
Possible null pointer dereference of historico in ecar.dao.ServicoDao.apuracaoReprogramacaoReducaoPontosCriticos(ItemEstruturaIett, Date) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 494 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.ServicoDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-585 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.dao.SisAtributoDao.getListaAcesso() invokes inefficient new String(String) constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_CTOR | 224 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.SitDemandaDao.buscar() allocates an object, only to get the class object | PERFORMANCE | DM_NEW_FOR_GETCLASS | 53 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Call to equals() comparing different types in ecar.dao.SituacaoDao.getScriptValidacao(List, String, String, String) | CORRECTNESS | EC_UNRELATED_TYPES | 195 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to COD_ORG_CPE in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 350 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_PGE in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 332 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEAB in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 334 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEAP in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 333 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SECS in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 336 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEDU in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 338 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEEC in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 337 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEED in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 339 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEFA in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 340 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEIM in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 341 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEJU in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 342 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEMA in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 343 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEOP in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 344 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SESA in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 345 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SESP in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 346 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETI in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 335 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETP in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 347 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETR in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 348 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETU in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 349 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEPL in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 331 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaItens() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 60 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaItens() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 306 |
Private method ecar.dao.TempCargaEcarDFIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 331-401 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to COD_ORG_CPE in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 395 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_PGE in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 377 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEAB in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 379 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEAP in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 378 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SECS in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 381 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEDU in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 383 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEEC in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 382 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEED in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 384 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEFA in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 385 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEIM in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 386 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEJU in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 387 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEMA in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 388 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEOP in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 389 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SESA in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 390 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SESP in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 391 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETI in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 380 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETP in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 392 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETR in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 393 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SETU in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 394 |
Dead store to anoExe in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1241 |
Dead store to indObra in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1244 |
Dead store to local in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1287 |
Dead store to siglaProduto in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1243 |
Dead store to COD_INT_NAO in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIntegralizacaoDeCapitalDefault() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1857 |
Dead store to CAPITAL in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 670 |
Dead store to CORRENTE in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 669 |
Dead store to OUTRAS_FONTES in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 672 |
Dead store to TESOURO in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 671 |
Dead store to indObra in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1416 |
Dead store to siglaProduto in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1415 |
Dead store to unidadeIndicador in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1419 |
Dead store to COD_ORG_SEPL in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.getUsuarioGPSByOrgao(OrgaoOrg) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 376 |
Dead store to codMunicipio in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1790 |
Dead store to codRegiao in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1786 |
Dead store to indObra in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1781 |
Dead store to nomeIndicador in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1782 |
Dead store to unidadeIndicador in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1784 |
Dead store to valorPrevisto in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1785 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1494 |
Method ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 713 |
Method ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 715 |
Method ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 723 |
Method ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 725 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaFinalidadesCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 843 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIndicadoresProdutosCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 1228 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaItens() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 166 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaProdutosCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 941 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 694 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresIndicadoresProdutosCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 1403 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarTotalizacaoIndicadoresProdutosCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 1575 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 1767 |
ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() may fail to close stream on exception | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM_EXCEPTION_PATH | 1825 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaFinalidadesCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 897 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1367 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaItens() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 351 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1186 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 810 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarCargaValoresIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1536 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.efetuarTotalizacaoIndicadoresProdutosCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1739 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.listarCargaProdutosCOP() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1840 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao.setTipoAcoesPPA20082011() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 646 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-996 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1810 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.TempCargaIettsBDDao$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1819 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.TipoAcompanhamentoDao.getTipoAcompanhamentoAtivosBySeqApresentacao() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 64 |
Dead store to estAtribTipoAcompEata in ecar.dao.TipoAcompanhamentoDao.excluir(TipoAcompanhamentoTa) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 360 |
Possible null pointer dereference of tipoAcomp in ecar.dao.TipoAcompanhamentoDao.pesquisar(TipoAcompanhamentoTa) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 573 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.TipoAcompanhamentoDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-621 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to funcoes in ecar.dao.TipoFuncAcompDao.getTipoFuncAcompPermitidos(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 339 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.dao.TipoFuncAcompDao.getTpfaOfArlAndTipoAcompanhamentoOrderByDatas(Long, List) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 563 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.TipoFuncAcompDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-531 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.TipoFuncAcompDao$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-609 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.dao.UfDao.getUfJS() invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to retorno in ecar.dao.UnidadeOrcamentariaDao.getUnidadeOrcamentariaByOrgao(OrgaoOrg, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 110 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to csvFile in ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.geraListaTelefonica(StringBuffer, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1321 |
Dead store to separadorMultivalor in ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.geraListaTelefonica(StringBuffer, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1319 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1009 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1266 |
Method ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.associarAhGruposSentinela(HttpServletRequest, UsuarioUsu) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 1639 |
Method ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.geraListaTelefonica(StringBuffer, String) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 1428 |
ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.INFORMACAO_NAO_LOCALIZADA_SENTINELA isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 50 |
Possible null pointer dereference of gruposVinculadosSent in ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.associarAhGruposSentinela(HttpServletRequest, UsuarioUsu) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1638 |
ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.geraListaTelefonica(StringBuffer, String) may fail to close stream | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM | 1321 |
ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.generateFile(String, String[][], String) may fail to close stream on exception | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM_EXCEPTION_PATH | 1662 |
Nullcheck of grupoAtributo at line 512 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.dao.UsuarioDao.alterarCadastroSite(UsuarioUsu, HttpServletRequest) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 512 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.dao.UsuarioDao$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1039 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to listEmpresa in | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 116 |
Dead store to codIett in, String, ConfigMailCfgm, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1426 |
Dead store to codIett in, ConfigMailCfgm, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1237 |
Dead store to footer in | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 384 |
Dead store to header in | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 365 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 1052 |, ConfigMailCfgm, String) invokes inefficient new String(String) constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_CTOR | 1184 | invokes inefficient new String() constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_VOID_CTOR | 384 | invokes inefficient new String() constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_VOID_CTOR | 365 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itItem in, ConfigMailCfgm) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1338 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itItem in, ConfigMailCfgm) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 687 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itItem in, ConfigMailCfgm) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 537 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itPontos in, ConfigMailCfgm, String) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1114 |
Nullcheck of itemEstUsutpfacIetutfa at line 564 of value previously dereferenced in, ConfigMailCfgm) | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 553 |, String, ConfigMailCfgm, ItemEstruturaIett) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 1480 |, ConfigMailCfgm) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 798 |, ConfigMailCfgm) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 639 |, ConfigMailCfgm, String) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 1299 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in, ServletResponse, FilterChain) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 114 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to PRIME in ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.hashCode() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 46 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.ACAO_INEXISTENTE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 26 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.CONTA_INEXISTENTE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 14 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.DATA_HORA_CARGA_INEXISTENTE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 17 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.FLAG_CONTABILIDADE_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 18 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.FONTE_INEXISTENTE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 28 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.FORMATO_DATA_HORA_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 21 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.INCONSISTENCIA_TOTALIZACAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 23 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.LAYOUT_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 25 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.QTDE_REGISTROS_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 19 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.RECURSO_INEXISTENTE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 27 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.SISTEMA_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 15 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.TR_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 16 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.VALOR_INVALIDO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 20 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.VERSAO_INEXISTENTE_MES_ANO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 24 |
ecar.enumerator.TipoOcorrencia.INCONSISTENCIA_QTDE_REGISTROS_INFORMADOS_x_LIDOS isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 22 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.exception.ECARException.getMessageArgs() may expose internal representation by returning ECARException.messageArgs | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 119 |
ecar.exception.ECARException.setMessageArgs(Object[]) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ECARException.messageArgs | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 131 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Hard coded reference to an absolute pathname in ecar.grafico.GraficoPizza.GraficoPizza() | STYLE | DMI_HARDCODED_ABSOLUTE_FILENAME | 48 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.historico.HistoricoIettus.gerarMaster(Integer) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 52 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to iettusPai in ecar.permissao.ControlePermissao.copiarPermissoesItemPai(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 261 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoArf.getDataInclusaoArf() may expose internal representation by returning AcompRealFisicoArf.dataInclusaoArf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 74 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoArf.getDataUltManut() may expose internal representation by returning AcompRealFisicoArf.dataUltManut | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 93 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoArf.AcompRealFisicoArf(Date, Double, Date, Long, Long, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, SituacaoSit, Set, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRealFisicoArf.dataInclusaoArf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 47 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoArf.AcompRealFisicoArf(Date, Double, Date, Long, Long, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, SituacaoSit, Set, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRealFisicoArf.dataUltManut | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoArf.setDataInclusaoArf(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRealFisicoArf.dataInclusaoArf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 78 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoArf.setDataUltManut(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRealFisicoArf.dataUltManut | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 97 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRealFisicoLocalArfl is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-75 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefItemLimitesArli.getDataLimiteArli() may expose internal representation by returning AcompRefItemLimitesArli.dataLimiteArli | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 59 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefItemLimitesArli.AcompRefItemLimitesArli(AcompRefItemLimitesArliPK, Date, AcompReferenciaItemAri, TipoFuncAcompTpfa) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRefItemLimitesArli.dataLimiteArli | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefItemLimitesArli.setDataLimiteArli(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRefItemLimitesArli.dataLimiteArli | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefItemLimitesArliPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefLimitesArl.getDataLimiteArl() may expose internal representation by returning AcompRefLimitesArl.dataLimiteArl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 59 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefLimitesArl.AcompRefLimitesArl(AcompRefLimitesArlPK, Date, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, AcompReferenciaAref) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRefLimitesArl.dataLimiteArl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefLimitesArl.setDataLimiteArl(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRefLimitesArl.dataLimiteArl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRefLimitesArlPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.getDataInclusaoAref() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaAref.dataInclusaoAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 89 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.getDataInicioAref() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaAref.dataInicioAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 109 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.getDataLimiteAcompFisicoAref() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaAref.dataLimiteAcompFisicoAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 99 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.getDataUltManutAref() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaAref.dataUltManutAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 79 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.AcompReferenciaAref(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, String, OrgaoOrg, TipoAcompanhamentoTa, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataInclusaoAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.AcompReferenciaAref(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, String, OrgaoOrg, TipoAcompanhamentoTa, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataInicioAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 51 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.AcompReferenciaAref(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, String, OrgaoOrg, TipoAcompanhamentoTa, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataLimiteAcompFisicoAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.AcompReferenciaAref(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, String, OrgaoOrg, TipoAcompanhamentoTa, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataUltManutAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 48 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.setDataInclusaoAref(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataInclusaoAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 93 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.setDataInicioAref(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataInicioAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 113 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.setDataLimiteAcompFisicoAref(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataLimiteAcompFisicoAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 103 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref.setDataUltManutAref(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaAref.dataUltManutAref | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 83 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaAref is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 38-209 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.getDataInclusaoAri() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataInclusaoAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 90 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.getDataInicioAri() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataInicioAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 110 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.getDataLimiteAcompFisicoAri() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataLimiteAcompFisicoAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 100 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.getDataUltManutAri() may expose internal representation by returning AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataUltManutAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 80 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.AcompReferenciaItemAri(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Long, Long, StatusRelatorioSrl, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, AcompReferenciaAref, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataInclusaoAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 51 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.AcompReferenciaItemAri(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Long, Long, StatusRelatorioSrl, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, AcompReferenciaAref, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataInicioAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 53 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.AcompReferenciaItemAri(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Long, Long, StatusRelatorioSrl, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, AcompReferenciaAref, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataLimiteAcompFisicoAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 52 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.AcompReferenciaItemAri(Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Long, Long, StatusRelatorioSrl, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, AcompReferenciaAref, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataUltManutAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.setDataInclusaoAri(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataInclusaoAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.setDataInicioAri(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataInicioAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 114 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.setDataLimiteAcompFisicoAri(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataLimiteAcompFisicoAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 104 |
ecar.pojo.AcompReferenciaItemAri.setDataUltManutAri(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompReferenciaItemAri.dataUltManutAri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 84 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AcompRelatorioArel.getDataInclusaoArel() may expose internal representation by returning AcompRelatorioArel.dataInclusaoArel | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 90 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRelatorioArel.getDataUltManutArel() may expose internal representation by returning AcompRelatorioArel.dataUltManutArel | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 80 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRelatorioArel.AcompRelatorioArel(Date, Date, String, String, String, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, AcompReferenciaItemAri, SituacaoSit, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, Cor, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRelatorioArel.dataInclusaoArel | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 51 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRelatorioArel.AcompRelatorioArel(Date, Date, String, String, String, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, AcompReferenciaItemAri, SituacaoSit, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, Cor, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRelatorioArel.dataUltManutArel | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRelatorioArel.setDataInclusaoArel(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRelatorioArel.dataInclusaoArel | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.AcompRelatorioArel.setDataUltManutArel(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AcompRelatorioArel.dataUltManutArel | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 84 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.getDataAge() may expose internal representation by returning AgendaAge.dataAge | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 130 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.getDataLimiteAge() may expose internal representation by returning AgendaAge.dataLimiteAge | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 140 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.getDataRealizado() may expose internal representation by returning AgendaAge.dataRealizado | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 222 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.AgendaAge(String, Integer, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, SisAtributoSatb) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaAge.dataAge | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 60 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.AgendaAge(String, Integer, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, SisAtributoSatb) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaAge.dataLimiteAge | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 61 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.AgendaAge(String, Integer, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, SisAtributoSatb) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaAge.dataRealizado | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 70 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.setDataAge(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaAge.dataAge | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 134 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.setDataLimiteAge(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaAge.dataLimiteAge | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 144 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge.setDataRealizado(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaAge.dataRealizado | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 226 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaAge is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 45-284 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AgendaEntidadesAgeent.getDataInclusaoAgeent() may expose internal representation by returning AgendaEntidadesAgeent.dataInclusaoAgeent | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 61 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaEntidadesAgeent.AgendaEntidadesAgeent(AgendaEntidadesAgeentPK, Date, AgendaAge, EntidadeEnt, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaEntidadesAgeent.dataInclusaoAgeent | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaEntidadesAgeent.setDataInclusaoAgeent(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaEntidadesAgeent.dataInclusaoAgeent | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 65 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AgendaEntidadesAgeentPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo.getDataEventoAgeo() may expose internal representation by returning AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo.dataEventoAgeo | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 103 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo.AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo(String, String, Integer, Integer, Date, AgendaAge, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo.dataEventoAgeo | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 46 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo.setDataEventoAgeo(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo.dataEventoAgeo | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 107 |
ecar.pojo.AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-136 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ApontamentoApt.getDataInclusaoApt() may expose internal representation by returning ApontamentoApt.dataInclusaoApt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 58 |
ecar.pojo.ApontamentoApt.ApontamentoApt(Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, PontoCriticoPtc) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ApontamentoApt.dataInclusaoApt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 36 |
ecar.pojo.ApontamentoApt.setDataInclusaoApt(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ApontamentoApt.dataInclusaoApt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.ApontamentoApt is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 32-102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AreaAre.getDataInclusaoAre() may expose internal representation by returning AreaAre.dataInclusaoAre | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 72 |
ecar.pojo.AreaAre.AreaAre(String, Date, String, Long, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AreaAre.dataInclusaoAre | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
ecar.pojo.AreaAre.setDataInclusaoAre(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AreaAre.dataInclusaoAre | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 76 |
ecar.pojo.AreaAre is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-122 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AtributoDemandaAtbdem.iGetObrigatorio() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 229 |
ecar.pojo.AtributoDemandaAtbdem is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 49-438 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AtributoLivre.getDataInclusao() may expose internal representation by returning AtributoLivre.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 31 |
ecar.pojo.AtributoLivre.setDataInclusao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into AtributoLivre.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.AtributosAtb is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-154 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.BeneficiarioBnf.getDataInclusaoBnf() may expose internal representation by returning BeneficiarioBnf.dataInclusaoBnf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 68 |
ecar.pojo.BeneficiarioBnf.BeneficiarioBnf(String, Date, String, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BeneficiarioBnf.dataInclusaoBnf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 38 |
ecar.pojo.BeneficiarioBnf.setDataInclusaoBnf(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into BeneficiarioBnf.dataInclusaoBnf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 72 |
ecar.pojo.BeneficiarioBnf is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-100 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ConfigExecFinanCef is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-119 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ConfigRelatorioCfgrel is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ConfigSisExecFinanCsef.getDataInclusaoCsef() may expose internal representation by returning ConfigSisExecFinanCsef.dataInclusaoCsef | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 74 |
ecar.pojo.ConfigSisExecFinanCsef.ConfigSisExecFinanCsef(String, Date, String, String, String, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfigSisExecFinanCsef.dataInclusaoCsef | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.ConfigSisExecFinanCsef.setDataInclusaoCsef(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfigSisExecFinanCsef.dataInclusaoCsef | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 78 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv.getDataInclusaoCsefv() may expose internal representation by returning ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv.dataInclusaoCsefv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 96 |
ecar.pojo.ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv.ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv(Long, Long, Long, Date, String, ConfigSisExecFinanCsef, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv.dataInclusaoCsefv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 47 |
ecar.pojo.ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv.setDataInclusaoCsefv(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv.dataInclusaoCsefv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 100 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ConfigTipoDadoCtd is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ConfiguracaoCfg.getUltimaAtualizacaoEmail() may expose internal representation by returning ConfiguracaoCfg.ultimaAtualizacaoEmail | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 413 |
ecar.pojo.ConfiguracaoCfg.getUltimoEnvioEmailCfg() may expose internal representation by returning ConfiguracaoCfg.ultimoEnvioEmailCfg | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 222 |
ecar.pojo.ConfiguracaoCfg.ConfiguracaoCfg(String, String, String, String, Long, Date, String, String, String, String, Estilo, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Long, Long, Integer, Date, Long, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisAtributoSatb, SisAtributoSatb, SisAtributoSatb, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, PeriodicidadePrdc, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfiguracaoCfg.ultimaAtualizacaoEmail | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 126 |
ecar.pojo.ConfiguracaoCfg.ConfiguracaoCfg(String, String, String, String, Long, Date, String, String, String, String, Estilo, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Long, Long, Integer, Date, Long, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisAtributoSatb, SisAtributoSatb, SisAtributoSatb, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SisGrupoAtributoSga, PeriodicidadePrdc, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfiguracaoCfg.ultimoEnvioEmailCfg | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 105 |
ecar.pojo.ConfiguracaoCfg.setUltimaAtualizacaoEmail(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfiguracaoCfg.ultimaAtualizacaoEmail | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 417 |
ecar.pojo.ConfiguracaoCfg.setUltimoEnvioEmailCfg(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ConfiguracaoCfg.ultimoEnvioEmailCfg | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 226 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ContasRejeitadasCrej.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning ContasRejeitadasCrej.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 56 |
ecar.pojo.ContasRejeitadasCrej.ContasRejeitadasCrej(Date, UsuarioUsu, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContasRejeitadasCrej.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 37 |
ecar.pojo.ContasRejeitadasCrej.ContasRejeitadasCrej(Date, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContasRejeitadasCrej.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 32 |
ecar.pojo.ContasRejeitadasCrej.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContasRejeitadasCrej.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 60 |
ecar.pojo.ContasRejeitadasCrej is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 28-80 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ContatoAreaCtta.getDataInclusaoCtta() may expose internal representation by returning ContatoAreaCtta.dataInclusaoCtta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 110 |
ecar.pojo.ContatoAreaCtta.ContatoAreaCtta(String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContatoAreaCtta.dataInclusaoCtta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 45 |
ecar.pojo.ContatoAreaCtta.setDataInclusaoCtta(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ContatoAreaCtta.dataInclusaoCtta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 114 |
ecar.pojo.ContatoAreaCtta is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 34-133 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ContatoMailCategoriaCttm is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ContatoMailCttm is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 29-97 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.CorTipoFuncAcompCtfaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 18-52 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.CriterioCri.getDataInclusaoCri() may expose internal representation by returning CriterioCri.dataInclusaoCri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 68 |
ecar.pojo.CriterioCri.CriterioCri(String, Date, String, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into CriterioCri.dataInclusaoCri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 38 |
ecar.pojo.CriterioCri.setDataInclusaoCri(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into CriterioCri.dataInclusaoCri | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 72 |
ecar.pojo.CriterioCri is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-100 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DemAtributoDema.getDataInclusao() may expose internal representation by returning DemAtributoDema.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 61 |
ecar.pojo.DemAtributoDema.DemAtributoDema(DemAtributoDemaPK, Date, String, RegDemandaRegd, SisAtributoSatb) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DemAtributoDema.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.DemAtributoDema.setDataInclusao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DemAtributoDema.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 65 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DemAtributoDemaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DemandasGrpAcesso is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 20-49 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueAreaDtqa.getDataInclusaoDtqa() may expose internal representation by returning DestaqueAreaDtqa.dataInclusaoDtqa | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 70 |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueAreaDtqa.DestaqueAreaDtqa(Integer, Date, String, String, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DestaqueAreaDtqa.dataInclusaoDtqa | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 39 |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueAreaDtqa.setDataInclusaoDtqa(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into DestaqueAreaDtqa.dataInclusaoDtqa | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 74 |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueAreaDtqa is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 32-111 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueItemRelDtqir is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 28-88 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueSubAreaDtqsa is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-111 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DestaqueTipoOrdemDtqto is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.DiaSemanaDsm is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 23-59 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.getDataInclusaoEfieftr() may expose internal representation by returning EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.dataInclusaoEfieftr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 93 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.getDataValorEfieftr() may expose internal representation by returning EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.dataValorEfieftr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 74 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr(EfIettFonTotRevEfieftrPK, Long, Date, String, Date, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, FonteRecursoFonr) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.dataInclusaoEfieftr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 47 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr(EfIettFonTotRevEfieftrPK, Long, Date, String, Date, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, FonteRecursoFonr) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.dataValorEfieftr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 45 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.setDataInclusaoEfieftr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.dataInclusaoEfieftr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 97 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.setDataValorEfieftr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonTotRevEfieftr.dataValorEfieftr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 78 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonTotRevEfieftrPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieft.getDataInclusaoEfieft() may expose internal representation by returning EfIettFonteTotEfieft.dataInclusaoEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 96 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieft.getDataValorEfieft() may expose internal representation by returning EfIettFonteTotEfieft.dataValorEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 77 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieft.EfIettFonteTotEfieft(EfIettFonteTotEfieftPK, BigDecimal, Date, String, Date, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonteTotEfieft.dataInclusaoEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieft.EfIettFonteTotEfieft(EfIettFonteTotEfieftPK, BigDecimal, Date, String, Date, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonteTotEfieft.dataValorEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 47 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieft.setDataInclusaoEfieft(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonteTotEfieft.dataInclusaoEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 100 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieft.setDataValorEfieft(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettFonteTotEfieft.dataValorEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 81 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfIettFonteTotEfieftPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr.getDataInclusaoEfiepr() may expose internal representation by returning EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr.dataInclusaoEfiepr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 69 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr.EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr(EfIettPrevisaoRevEfieprPK, Date, String, Double, Double, RecursoRec, FonteRecursoFonr, ExercicioExe, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr.dataInclusaoEfiepr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 46 |
ecar.pojo.EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr.setDataInclusaoEfiepr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfIettPrevisaoRevEfiepr.dataInclusaoEfiepr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 73 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfIettPrevisaoRevEfieprPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 19-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfImportOcorrenciasEfio is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 34-89 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstContaEfiec is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-157 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep.getDataInclusaoEfiep() may expose internal representation by returning EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep.dataInclusaoEfiep | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 76 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep.EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep(EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiepPK, Date, String, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr, ExercicioExe, RecursoRec, EspecieEsp, FonteFon) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep.dataInclusaoEfiep | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep.setDataInclusaoEfiep(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiep.dataInclusaoEfiep | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 80 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstPrevisaoEfiepPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 19-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.getDataHoraInfoEfier() may expose internal representation by returning EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.dataHoraInfoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 178 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.getDataInclusaoEfier() may expose internal representation by returning EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.dataInclusaoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 79 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier(Date, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String, Long, Long, Date, String, Boolean, UsuarioUsu, ImportacaoImp, ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.dataHoraInfoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 57 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier(Date, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, String, Long, Long, Date, String, Boolean, UsuarioUsu, ImportacaoImp, ConfigSisExecFinanCsefv) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.dataInclusaoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 46 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.setDataHoraInfoEfier(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.dataHoraInfoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 182 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.setDataInclusaoEfier(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EfItemEstRealizadoEfier.dataInclusaoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 83 |
ecar.pojo.EfItemEstRealizadoEfier is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 42-231 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.Email.getDataHoraEnvio() may expose internal representation by returning Email.dataHoraEnvio | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 87 |
ecar.pojo.Email.Email(String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into Email.dataHoraEnvio | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 48 |
ecar.pojo.Email.setDataHoraEnvio(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into Email.dataHoraEnvio | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 91 |
ecar.pojo.Email is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 43-156 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EmpresaEmp is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 48-308 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EnderecoEnd is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 33-142 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EntidadeAtributoEnta.getDataInclusao() may expose internal representation by returning EntidadeAtributoEnta.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 61 |
ecar.pojo.EntidadeAtributoEnta.EntidadeAtributoEnta(EntidadeAtributoEntaPK, Date, String, SisAtributoSatb, EntidadeEnt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EntidadeAtributoEnta.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.EntidadeAtributoEnta.setDataInclusao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EntidadeAtributoEnta.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 65 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EntidadeEnt.getDataInclusaoEnt() may expose internal representation by returning EntidadeEnt.dataInclusaoEnt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 105 |
ecar.pojo.EntidadeEnt.EntidadeEnt(String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EntidadeEnt.dataInclusaoEnt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 61 |
ecar.pojo.EntidadeEnt.setDataInclusaoEnt(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EntidadeEnt.dataInclusaoEnt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 109 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EspecieEsp.getDataInclusaoEsp() may expose internal representation by returning EspecieEsp.dataInclusaoEsp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 67 |
ecar.pojo.EspecieEsp.EspecieEsp(Long, String, Date, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EspecieEsp.dataInclusaoEsp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
ecar.pojo.EspecieEsp.setDataInclusaoEsp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EspecieEsp.dataInclusaoEsp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 71 |
ecar.pojo.EspecieEsp is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 28-90 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstAtribTipoAcompEata is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-98 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstrutTpFuncAcmpEtttfa.iGetBloqueado() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 384 |
ecar.pojo.EstrutTpFuncAcmpEtttfa.iGetObrigatorio() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 309 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstrutTpFuncAcmpEtttfaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaAcessoEttaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaAtributoEttat.iGetBloqueado() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 450 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaAtributoEttat.iGetIndOpcional() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 435 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaAtributoEttat.iGetObrigatorio() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 389 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaAtributoEttatPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt.getDataInclusaoEtt() may expose internal representation by returning EstruturaEtt.dataInclusaoEtt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 151 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt.getDataUltManutEtt() may expose internal representation by returning EstruturaEtt.dataUltManutEtt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 170 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt.EstruturaEtt(String, String, String, String, Date, String, Date, Integer, String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, String, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, EstruturaEtt, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EstruturaEtt.dataInclusaoEtt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 72 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt.EstruturaEtt(String, String, String, String, Date, String, Date, Integer, String, String, String, String, String, Long, String, String, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, EstruturaEtt, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EstruturaEtt.dataUltManutEtt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 74 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt.setDataInclusaoEtt(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EstruturaEtt.dataInclusaoEtt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 155 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt.setDataUltManutEtt(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into EstruturaEtt.dataUltManutEtt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 174 |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaEtt is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 49-387 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.EstruturaFuncaoEttfPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe.getDataFinalExe() may expose internal representation by returning ExercicioExe.dataFinalExe | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 79 |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe.getDataInicialExe() may expose internal representation by returning ExercicioExe.dataInicialExe | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 89 |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe.ExercicioExe(Date, Date, String, PeriodoExercicioPerExe, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ExercicioExe.dataFinalExe | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 48 |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe.ExercicioExe(Date, Date, String, PeriodoExercicioPerExe, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ExercicioExe.dataInicialExe | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe.setDataFinalExe(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ExercicioExe.dataFinalExe | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 83 |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe.setDataInicialExe(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ExercicioExe.dataInicialExe | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 93 |
ecar.pojo.ExercicioExe is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 33-203 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.FonteFon is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-99 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.getDataFimValidadeFonr() may expose internal representation by returning FonteRecursoFonr.dataFimValidadeFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 102 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.getDataInclusaoFonr() may expose internal representation by returning FonteRecursoFonr.dataInclusaoFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 92 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.getDataIniValidadeFonr() may expose internal representation by returning FonteRecursoFonr.dataIniValidadeFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 112 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.FonteRecursoFonr(String, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, String, ConfigSisExecFinanCsef, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FonteRecursoFonr.dataFimValidadeFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 52 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.FonteRecursoFonr(String, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, String, ConfigSisExecFinanCsef, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FonteRecursoFonr.dataInclusaoFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 51 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.FonteRecursoFonr(String, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, String, ConfigSisExecFinanCsef, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FonteRecursoFonr.dataIniValidadeFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 53 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.setDataFimValidadeFonr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FonteRecursoFonr.dataFimValidadeFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 106 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.setDataInclusaoFonr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FonteRecursoFonr.dataInclusaoFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 96 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr.setDataIniValidadeFonr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into FonteRecursoFonr.dataIniValidadeFonr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 116 |
ecar.pojo.FonteRecursoFonr is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 38-226 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.FuncaoFun is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-129 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiecH.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoEfiecH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 94 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiecH.HistoricoEfiecH(String, String, String, Date, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr, ExercicioExe, RecursoRec, UsuarioUsu, EfItemEstContaEfiec, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfiecH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 43 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiecH.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfiecH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 98 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiecH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-169 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH.getDataInclusaoEfieft() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoEfieftH.dataInclusaoEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 93 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH.getDataValorEfieft() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoEfieftH.dataValorEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 74 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH.HistoricoEfieftH(BigDecimal, Date, String, Date, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfieftH.dataInclusaoEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 43 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH.HistoricoEfieftH(BigDecimal, Date, String, Date, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfieftH.dataValorEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH.setDataInclusaoEfieft(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfieftH.dataInclusaoEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 97 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH.setDataValorEfieft(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfieftH.dataValorEfieft | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 78 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfieftH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-138 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiepH.getDataInclusaoEfiep() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoEfiepH.dataInclusaoEfiep | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 69 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiepH.HistoricoEfiepH(Date, String, BigDecimal, BigDecimal, ItemEstruturaIett, FonteRecursoFonr, ExercicioExe, RecursoRec, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfiepH.dataInclusaoEfiep | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiepH.setDataInclusaoEfiep(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfiepH.dataInclusaoEfiep | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 73 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfiepH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 38-161 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH.getDataHoraInfoEfier() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoEfierH.dataHoraInfoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 132 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH.getDataInclusaoEfier() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoEfierH.dataInclusaoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 86 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH.HistoricoEfierH(Date, String, String, Long, Long, Date, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Long, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster, ImportacaoImp) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfierH.dataHoraInfoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 56 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH.HistoricoEfierH(Date, String, String, Long, Long, Date, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Long, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster, ImportacaoImp) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfierH.dataInclusaoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 51 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH.setDataHoraInfoEfier(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfierH.dataHoraInfoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 136 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH.setDataInclusaoEfier(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoEfierH.dataInclusaoEfier | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 90 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoEfierH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 47-249 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataInclusaoIett() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataInclusaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 252 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataInicioIett() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 223 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataInicioMonitoramentoIett() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataInicioMonitoramentoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 203 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataR1() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataR1 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 365 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataR2() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataR2 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 355 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataR3() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataR3 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 345 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataR4() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataR4 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 335 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataR5() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataR5 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 325 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataTerminoIett() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 213 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.getDataUltManutencaoIett() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettH.dataUltManutencaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 242 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataInclusaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 86 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 83 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataInicioMonitoramentoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 81 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR1 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 98 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR2 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 97 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR3 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 96 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR4 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 95 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR5 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 82 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.HistoricoIettH(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, ItemEstruturaIett, SituacaoSit, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, ItemEstruturaIett, PeriodicidadePrdc, EstruturaEtt, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataUltManutencaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 85 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataInclusaoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataInclusaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 256 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataInicioIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 227 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataInicioMonitoramentoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataInicioMonitoramentoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 207 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataR1(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR1 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 369 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataR2(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR2 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 359 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataR3(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR3 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 349 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataR4(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR4 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 339 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataR5(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataR5 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 329 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataTerminoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 217 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH.setDataUltManutencaoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettH.dataUltManutencaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 246 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 69-518 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettSatbH.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettSatbH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 96 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettSatbH.HistoricoIettSatbH(ItemEstruturaIett, SisAtributoSatb, String, UsuarioUsu, Date, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettSatbH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 39 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettSatbH.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettSatbH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 100 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettSatbH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-111 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH.getDataIetta() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettaH.dataIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 85 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH.getDataInclusaoIetta() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettaH.dataInclusaoIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 75 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH.HistoricoIettaH(String, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstrutAcaoIetta, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettaH.dataIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH.HistoricoIettaH(String, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstrutAcaoIetta, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettaH.dataInclusaoIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH.setDataIetta(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettaH.dataIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 89 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH.setDataInclusaoIetta(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettaH.dataInclusaoIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 79 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettaH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-149 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettbH.getDataUltManutencaoIettb() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettbH.dataUltManutencaoIettb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 63 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettbH.HistoricoIettbH(Date, String, BigDecimal, BeneficiarioBnf, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettbH.dataUltManutencaoIettb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 39 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettbH.setDataUltManutencaoIettb(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettbH.dataUltManutencaoIettb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 67 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettbH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-126 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettcH.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettcH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 55 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettcH.HistoricoIettcH(Date, CriterioCri, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettcH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 34 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettcH.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettcH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 59 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettcH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-100 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.getDataFimIette() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIetteH.dataFimIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 76 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.getDataInicioIette() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIetteH.dataInicioIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 86 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.getDataUltManutencaoIette() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIetteH.dataUltManutencaoIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 66 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.HistoricoIetteH(Date, Date, Date, String, EntidadeEnt, TipoParticipacaoTpp, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIetteH.dataFimIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.HistoricoIetteH(Date, Date, Date, String, EntidadeEnt, TipoParticipacaoTpp, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIetteH.dataInicioIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.HistoricoIetteH(Date, Date, Date, String, EntidadeEnt, TipoParticipacaoTpp, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIetteH.dataUltManutencaoIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.setDataFimIette(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIetteH.dataFimIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 80 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.setDataInicioIette(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIetteH.dataInicioIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 90 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH.setDataUltManutencaoIette(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIetteH.dataUltManutencaoIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 70 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIetteH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-150 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH.getDataInclusaoIettf() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettfH.dataInclusaoIettf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 74 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettfH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 92 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH.HistoricoIettfH(String, Date, Double, Date, ExercicioExe, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettfH.dataInclusaoIettf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH.HistoricoIettfH(String, Date, Double, Date, ExercicioExe, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettfH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 43 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH.setDataInclusaoIettf(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettfH.dataInclusaoIettf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 78 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettfH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 96 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettfH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-137 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettlH.getDataInclusaoIettl() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettlH.dataInclusaoIettl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 75 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettlH.HistoricoIettlH(ItemEstruturaIett, LocalItemLit, Date, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettlH.dataInclusaoIettl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 36 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettlH.setDataInclusaoIettl(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettlH.dataInclusaoIettl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 79 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettlH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-100 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH.getDataApuracaoIettr() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettrH.dataApuracaoIettr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 228 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettrH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 237 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH.HistoricoIettrH(String, SisAtributoSatb, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Date, Date, UsuarioUsu, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, SisAtributoSatb, PeriodicidadePrdc, Set, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettrH.dataApuracaoIettr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 73 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH.HistoricoIettrH(String, SisAtributoSatb, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Double, Date, Date, UsuarioUsu, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, SisAtributoSatb, PeriodicidadePrdc, Set, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettrH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 74 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH.setDataApuracaoIettr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettrH.dataApuracaoIettr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 232 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettrH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 241 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettrH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 46-337 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettupH.getDataInclusaoIettup() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettupH.dataInclusaoIettup | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 85 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettupH.HistoricoIettupH(Long, Date, String, String, Long, String, String, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstrUplCategIettuc, UsuarioUsu, UploadTipoArquivoUta, UsuarioUsu, String, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettupH.dataInclusaoIettup | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 46 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettupH.setDataInclusaoIettup(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettupH.dataInclusaoIettup | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 89 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettupH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 41-204 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettusH.getDataInclusaoIettus() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettusH.dataInclusaoIettus | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 121 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettusH.HistoricoIettusH(TipoFuncAcompTpfa, UsuarioUsu, ItemEstruturaIett, Date, ItemEstruturaIett, String, Long, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettusH.dataInclusaoIettus | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 57 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettusH.setDataInclusaoIettus(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettusH.dataInclusaoIettus | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 125 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettusH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 50-273 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettutfaH.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettutfaH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 90 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettutfaH.HistoricoIettutfaH(ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, Date, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettutfaH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettutfaH.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettutfaH.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettutfaH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 33-115 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettvH.getDataInclusaoIettv() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoIettvH.dataInclusaoIettv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 62 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettvH.HistoricoIettvH(Date, Long, AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo, ItemEstruturaIett, SegmentoItemSgti, UsuarioUsu, HistoricoMaster) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettvH.dataInclusaoIettv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 38 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettvH.setDataInclusaoIettv(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoIettvH.dataInclusaoIettv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 66 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoIettvH is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 34-126 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoMaster.getDataHoraHistorico() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoMaster.dataHoraHistorico | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 101 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoMaster.HistoricoMaster(UsuarioUsu, Date, HistoricoMotivo, Long, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoMaster.dataHoraHistorico | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 56 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoMaster.setDataHoraHistorico(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoMaster.dataHoraHistorico | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 105 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.getDataIdentificacaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoPtcH.dataIdentificacaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 149 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.getDataInclusaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoPtcH.dataInclusaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 101 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.getDataLimitePtc() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoPtcH.dataLimitePtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 139 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.getDataSolucaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoPtcH.dataSolucaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 111 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.getDataUltManutencaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning HistoricoPtcH.dataUltManutencaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 159 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.HistoricoPtcH(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, PontoCriticoPtc, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, HistoricoMaster, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataIdentificacaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.HistoricoPtcH(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, PontoCriticoPtc, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, HistoricoMaster, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataInclusaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 57 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.HistoricoPtcH(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, PontoCriticoPtc, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, HistoricoMaster, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataLimitePtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 61 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.HistoricoPtcH(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, PontoCriticoPtc, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, HistoricoMaster, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataSolucaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 58 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.HistoricoPtcH(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, PontoCriticoPtc, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, HistoricoMaster, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataUltManutencaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 63 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.setDataIdentificacaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataIdentificacaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 153 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.setDataInclusaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataInclusaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 105 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.setDataLimitePtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataLimitePtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 143 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.setDataSolucaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataSolucaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 115 |
ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.setDataUltManutencaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into HistoricoPtcH.dataUltManutencaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 163 |
The field name ecar.pojo.HistoricoPtcH.HistoricoCorPtcH doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.IdiomaIdm is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.IettIndResulRevIettrr is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-79 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.IettUsutpfuacrevIettutfarPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 18-52 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to SEP in ecar.pojo.ImageInfo.printCompact(String, ImageInfo) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 981 |
ecar.pojo.ImageInfo.printLine(int, String, String) ignores return value of java.lang.String.length() | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 1013 |
Private method ecar.pojo.ImageInfo.readSBits(int) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 1136-1144 |
ImageInfo.din not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.getDataHoraGeracaoSisOrigem() may expose internal representation by returning ImportacaoImp.dataHoraGeracaoSisOrigem | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 81 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.getDataHoraImp() may expose internal representation by returning ImportacaoImp.dataHoraImp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 72 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.ImportacaoImp(Date, Date, UsuarioUsu, String, Integer, Integer, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ImportacaoImp.dataHoraGeracaoSisOrigem | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.ImportacaoImp(Date, Date, UsuarioUsu, String, Integer, Integer, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ImportacaoImp.dataHoraImp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.ImportacaoImp(Date, Date, String, Integer, Integer) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ImportacaoImp.dataHoraGeracaoSisOrigem | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.ImportacaoImp(Date, Date, String, Integer, Integer) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ImportacaoImp.dataHoraImp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.setDataHoraGeracaoSisOrigem(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ImportacaoImp.dataHoraGeracaoSisOrigem | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 85 |
ecar.pojo.ImportacaoImp.setDataHoraImp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ImportacaoImp.dataHoraImp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 76 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr.getDataInclusaoIettfr() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr.dataInclusaoIettfr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 72 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr.ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr(ItemEstFisicoRevIettfrPK, String, Date, Double, IettIndResulRevIettrr, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr.dataInclusaoIettfr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 44 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr.setDataInclusaoIettfr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstFisicoRevIettfr.dataInclusaoIettfr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 76 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstFisicoRevIettfrPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstLocalRevIettlr.getDataInclusaoIettlr() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstLocalRevIettlr.dataInclusaoIettlr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 59 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstLocalRevIettlr.ItemEstLocalRevIettlr(ItemEstLocalRevIettlrPK, Date, LocalItemLit, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstLocalRevIettlr.dataInclusaoIettlr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstLocalRevIettlr.setDataInclusaoIettlr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstLocalRevIettlr.dataInclusaoIettlr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstLocalRevIettlrPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 73 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa.ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa(ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfaPK, Boolean, Date, ItemEstruturaIett, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 44 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfa.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 77 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstUsutpfuacIettutfaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrUplCategIettuc.getDataInclusaoIettuc() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrUplCategIettuc.dataInclusaoIettuc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 90 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrUplCategIettuc.ItemEstrUplCategIettuc(String, String, Date, String, String, UploadTipoCategoriaUtc, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, AcompReferenciaItemAri) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrUplCategIettuc.dataInclusaoIettuc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 47 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrUplCategIettuc.setDataInclusaoIettuc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrUplCategIettuc.dataInclusaoIettuc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrUplCategIettuc is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-161 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtBenefIettb.getDataUltManutencaoIettb() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrtBenefIettb.dataUltManutencaoIettb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 65 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtBenefIettb.ItemEstrtBenefIettb(ItemEstrtBenefIettbPK, Date, String, BigDecimal, Boolean, BeneficiarioBnf, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtBenefIettb.dataUltManutencaoIettb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 44 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtBenefIettb.setDataUltManutencaoIettb(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtBenefIettb.dataUltManutencaoIettb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 69 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtBenefIettbPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulCorIettrcor is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 33-134 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulCorIettrcorPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.getDataApuracaoIettr() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.dataApuracaoIettr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 255 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 264 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr(String, SisAtributoSatb, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, Double, Date, Date, String, String, String, ServicoSer, String, ServicoSer, String, UsuarioUsu, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstruturaIettPPA, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SisAtributoSatb, PeriodicidadePrdc, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.dataApuracaoIettr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 83 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr(String, SisAtributoSatb, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String, Double, Date, Date, String, String, String, ServicoSer, String, ServicoSer, String, UsuarioUsu, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstruturaIettPPA, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SisAtributoSatb, PeriodicidadePrdc, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 84 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.setDataApuracaoIettr(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.dataApuracaoIettr | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 259 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtIndResulIettr.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 268 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulIettr is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 55-438 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl.getDataInclusaoIettirl() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl.dataInclusaoIettirl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 78 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl.ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl(Double, String, Date, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, LocalItemLit, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl.dataInclusaoIettirl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 39 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl.setDataInclusaoIettirl(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl.dataInclusaoIettirl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 82 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrtIndResulLocalIettirl is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 33-113 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.getDataIetta() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.dataIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 88 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.getDataInclusaoIetta() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.dataInclusaoIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 78 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta(String, Date, Date, String, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.dataIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 45 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta(String, Date, Date, String, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.dataInclusaoIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 44 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.setDataIetta(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.dataIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 92 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.setDataInclusaoIetta(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutAcaoIetta.dataInclusaoIetta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 82 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutAcaoIetta is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 37-150 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutCriterioIettc.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutCriterioIettc.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 60 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutCriterioIettc.ItemEstrutCriterioIettc(ItemEstrutCriterioIettcPK, Date, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, CriterioCri, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutCriterioIettc.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutCriterioIettc.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutCriterioIettc.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 64 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutCriterioIettcPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.getDataFimIette() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataFimIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 81 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.getDataInicioIette() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataInicioIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 91 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.getDataUltManutencaoIette() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataUltManutencaoIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 71 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette(ItemEstrutEntidadeIettePK, Date, Date, Date, String, Boolean, EntidadeEnt, ItemEstruturaIett, TipoParticipacaoTpp, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataFimIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette(ItemEstrutEntidadeIettePK, Date, Date, Date, String, Boolean, EntidadeEnt, ItemEstruturaIett, TipoParticipacaoTpp, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataInicioIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette(ItemEstrutEntidadeIettePK, Date, Date, Date, String, Boolean, EntidadeEnt, ItemEstruturaIett, TipoParticipacaoTpp, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataUltManutencaoIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 48 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.setDataFimIette(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataFimIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 85 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.setDataInicioIette(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataInicioIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 95 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.setDataUltManutencaoIette(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutEntidadeIette.dataUltManutencaoIette | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 75 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutEntidadeIettePK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 18-52 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.getDataInclusaoIettf() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.dataInclusaoIettf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 79 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.getDataUltManutencao() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 106 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf(ItemEstrutFisicoIettfPK, String, Date, Double, Boolean, Date, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, UsuarioUsu, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.dataInclusaoIettf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 48 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf(ItemEstrutFisicoIettfPK, String, Date, Double, Boolean, Date, ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, UsuarioUsu, ExercicioExe) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 51 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.setDataInclusaoIettf(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.dataInclusaoIettf | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 83 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.setDataUltManutencao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutFisicoIettf.dataUltManutencao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 110 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutFisicoIettfPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutLocalIettl.getDataInclusaoIettl() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutLocalIettl.dataInclusaoIettl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 60 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutLocalIettl.ItemEstrutLocalIettl(ItemEstrutLocalIettlPK, Date, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, LocalItemLit, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutLocalIettl.dataInclusaoIettl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutLocalIettl.setDataInclusaoIettl(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutLocalIettl.dataInclusaoIettl | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 64 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutLocalIettlPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm.getDataInclusaoIettm() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm.dataInclusaoIettm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 58 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm.ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm(Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, Cor) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm.dataInclusaoIettm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 36 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm.setDataInclusaoIettm(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm.dataInclusaoIettm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutMarcadorIettm is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 32-102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUploadIettup.getDataInclusaoIettup() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutUploadIettup.dataInclusaoIettup | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 76 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUploadIettup.ItemEstrutUploadIettup(Date, String, String, Long, String, String, Boolean, ItemEstrUplCategIettuc, UploadTipoArquivoUta, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, AcompRelatorioArel) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutUploadIettup.dataInclusaoIettup | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 46 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUploadIettup.setDataInclusaoIettup(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutUploadIettup.dataInclusaoIettup | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 80 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.getDataInclusaoIettus() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.dataInclusaoIettus | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 191 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus(ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, String, SisAtributoSatb, TipoFuncAcompTpfa, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.dataInclusaoIettus | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 73 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.setDataInclusaoIettus(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.dataInclusaoIettus | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 195 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus.clone() may return null | BAD_PRACTICE | NP_CLONE_COULD_RETURN_NULL | 300 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutUsuarioIettus is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 52-328 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutVinculoIettv.getDataInclusaoIettv() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstrutVinculoIettv.dataInclusaoIettv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 58 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutVinculoIettv.ItemEstrutVinculoIettv(Date, Boolean, AgendaOcorrenciaAgeo, ItemEstruturaIett, SegmentoItemSgti) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutVinculoIettv.dataInclusaoIettv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 36 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutVinculoIettv.setDataInclusaoIettv(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstrutVinculoIettv.dataInclusaoIettv | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstrutVinculoIettv is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 32-102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataInclusaoIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataInclusaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 346 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataInicioIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 317 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataInicioMonitoramentoIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataInicioMonitoramentoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 297 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataR1() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataR1 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 468 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataR2() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataR2 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 458 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataR3() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataR3 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 448 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataR4() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataR4 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 438 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataR5() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataR5 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 428 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataTerminoIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 307 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getDataUltManutencaoIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIett.dataUltManutencaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 336 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataInclusaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 139 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 136 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataInicioMonitoramentoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 134 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR1 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 152 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR2 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 151 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR3 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 150 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR4 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 149 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR5 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 148 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 135 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.ItemEstruturaIett(BigDecimal, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, Integer, Boolean, SituacaoSit, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIett, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SubAreaSare, AreaAre, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataUltManutencaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 138 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataInclusaoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataInclusaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 350 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataInicioIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 321 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataInicioMonitoramentoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataInicioMonitoramentoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 301 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataR1(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR1 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 472 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataR2(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR2 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 462 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataR3(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR3 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 452 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataR4(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR4 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 442 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataR5(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataR5 | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 432 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataTerminoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 311 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.setDataUltManutencaoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIett.dataUltManutencaoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 340 |
Confusing to have methods ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIett.getItemEstruturarevisaoIettrevs() and ecar.pojo.AreaAre.getItemEstruturaRevisaoIettRevs() | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_CONFUSING | 816 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettMin is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 28-78 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA.getDataInicioIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIettPPA.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 114 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA.getDataTerminoIett() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaIettPPA.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 104 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA.ItemEstruturaIettPPA(String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIettPPA) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIettPPA.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 56 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA.ItemEstruturaIettPPA(String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, EstruturaEtt, OrgaoOrg, Set, Set, Set, ItemEstruturaIettPPA) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIettPPA.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 55 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA.setDataInicioIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIettPPA.dataInicioIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 118 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA.setDataTerminoIett(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaIettPPA.dataTerminoIett | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 108 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaIettPPA is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 44-234 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb.getDataUltManutencaoIettSatb() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb.dataUltManutencaoIettSatb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 76 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb.ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb(ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatbPK, String, Date, Boolean, ItemEstruturaIett, ItemEstruturaIettPPA, SisAtributoSatb, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb.dataUltManutencaoIettSatb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 47 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb.setDataUltManutencaoIettSatb(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb.dataUltManutencaoIettSatb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 80 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatb defines equals and uses Object.hashCode() | BAD_PRACTICE | HE_EQUALS_USE_HASHCODE | 143-148 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturaSisAtributoIettSatbPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataInclusaoIettrev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInclusaoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 255 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataInicioIettrev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInicioIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 236 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataInicioMonitoramentoIettrev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInicioMonitoramentoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 216 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataR1rev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR1rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 377 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataR2rev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR2rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 367 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataR3rev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR3rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 357 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataR4rev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR4rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 347 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataR5rev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR5rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 337 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.getDataTerminoIettrev() may expose internal representation by returning ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataTerminoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 226 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInclusaoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInicioIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 92 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInicioMonitoramentoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 90 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR1rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 107 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR2rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 106 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR3rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 105 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR4rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 104 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR5rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 103 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev(Double, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, Date, Date, Date, Date, String, String, Integer, PeriodicidadePrdc, UnidadeOrcamentariaUO, ItemEstruturaIett, AreaAre, SubAreaSare, UsuarioUsu, Set, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, OrgaoOrg, OrgaoOrg, EstruturaEtt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataTerminoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 91 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataInclusaoIettrev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInclusaoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 259 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataInicioIettrev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInicioIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 240 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataInicioMonitoramentoIettrev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataInicioMonitoramentoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 220 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataR1rev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR1rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 381 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataR2rev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR2rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 371 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataR3rev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR3rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 361 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataR4rev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR4rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 351 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataR5rev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataR5rev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 341 |
ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setDataTerminoIettrev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.dataTerminoIettrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 230 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.Link is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-103 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.LocAtributoLoca.getDataInclusao() may expose internal representation by returning LocAtributoLoca.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 61 |
ecar.pojo.LocAtributoLoca.LocAtributoLoca(LocAtributoLocaPK, Date, String, SisAtributoSatb, LocalItemLit) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LocAtributoLoca.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.LocAtributoLoca.setDataInclusao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LocAtributoLoca.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 65 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.LocAtributoLocaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.LocalGrupoLgp.getDataInclusaoLgp() may expose internal representation by returning LocalGrupoLgp.dataInclusaoLgp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 77 |
ecar.pojo.LocalGrupoLgp.LocalGrupoLgp(String, Date, String, String, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LocalGrupoLgp.dataInclusaoLgp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 45 |
ecar.pojo.LocalGrupoLgp.setDataInclusaoLgp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LocalGrupoLgp.dataInclusaoLgp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 81 |
ecar.pojo.LocalGrupoLgp is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 36-131 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.LocalItemLit.getDataInclusaoLit() may expose internal representation by returning LocalItemLit.dataInclusaoLit | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 98 |
ecar.pojo.LocalItemLit.LocalItemLit(String, Date, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, LocalGrupoLgp, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LocalItemLit.dataInclusaoLit | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 56 |
ecar.pojo.LocalItemLit.setDataInclusaoLit(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into LocalItemLit.dataInclusaoLit | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 102 |
ecar.pojo.LocalItemLit is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 39-247 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.Log.getDataLog() may expose internal representation by returning Log.dataLog | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 64 |
ecar.pojo.Log.Log(Date, String, String, String, String, Long, Long, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into Log.dataLog | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 39 |
ecar.pojo.Log.setDataLog(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into Log.dataLog | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 68 |
ecar.pojo.Log is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-133 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ModeloRelatorioMrel is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-85 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.OpcaoMenuOpcmPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.OpcaoOpc is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 34-136 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.OrgaoPeriodoExercicioOrgPerExePK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PaginaAreaSitePa is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-140 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PaginaPgn is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 37-200 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ParametroPar is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 22-91 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PerfilPfl is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-91 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PeriodicidadePrdc is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-118 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoExercicioPerExe is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-96 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev.getDtFimPrev() may expose internal representation by returning PeriodoRevisaoPrev.dtFimPrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 75 |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev.getDtInicioPrev() may expose internal representation by returning PeriodoRevisaoPrev.dtInicioPrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 56 |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev.PeriodoRevisaoPrev(Date, String, Date, ConfiguracaoCfg) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PeriodoRevisaoPrev.dtFimPrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 37 |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev.PeriodoRevisaoPrev(Date, String, Date, ConfiguracaoCfg) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PeriodoRevisaoPrev.dtInicioPrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 35 |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev.setDtFimPrev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PeriodoRevisaoPrev.dtFimPrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 79 |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev.setDtInicioPrev(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PeriodoRevisaoPrev.dtInicioPrev | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 60 |
ecar.pojo.PeriodoRevisaoPrev is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-90 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PoderPeriodoExercicioPodPerExePK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PoderPod is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-96 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.getDataIdentificacaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning PontoCriticoPtc.dataIdentificacaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 150 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.getDataInclusaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning PontoCriticoPtc.dataInclusaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 102 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.getDataLimitePtc() may expose internal representation by returning PontoCriticoPtc.dataLimitePtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 140 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.getDataSolucaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning PontoCriticoPtc.dataSolucaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 112 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.getDataUltManutencaoPtc() may expose internal representation by returning PontoCriticoPtc.dataUltManutencaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 160 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.PontoCriticoPtc(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, Set, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataIdentificacaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 63 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.PontoCriticoPtc(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, Set, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataInclusaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 58 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.PontoCriticoPtc(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, Set, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataLimitePtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.PontoCriticoPtc(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, Set, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataSolucaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 59 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.PontoCriticoPtc(String, Date, Date, String, String, Date, Date, Date, String, ItemEstruturaIett, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, UsuarioUsu, SisAtributoSatb, AcompRelatorioArel, Set, String) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataUltManutencaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 64 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.setDataIdentificacaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataIdentificacaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 154 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.setDataInclusaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataInclusaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 106 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.setDataLimitePtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataLimitePtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 144 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.setDataSolucaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataSolucaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 116 |
ecar.pojo.PontoCriticoPtc.setDataUltManutencaoPtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PontoCriticoPtc.dataUltManutencaoPtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 164 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PontocriticoCorPtccorPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PopupComportamentoPppc is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.getDataFimExibicaoPpp() may expose internal representation by returning PopupPpp.dataFimExibicaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 87 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.getDataInclusaoPpp() may expose internal representation by returning PopupPpp.dataInclusaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 77 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.getDataIniExibicaoPpp() may expose internal representation by returning PopupPpp.dataIniExibicaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 97 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.PopupPpp(String, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, Integer, String, String, PopupComportamentoPppc) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PopupPpp.dataFimExibicaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 43 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.PopupPpp(String, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, Integer, String, String, PopupComportamentoPppc) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PopupPpp.dataInclusaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.PopupPpp(String, Date, Date, Date, String, Integer, Integer, String, String, PopupComportamentoPppc) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PopupPpp.dataIniExibicaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 44 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.setDataFimExibicaoPpp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PopupPpp.dataFimExibicaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 91 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.setDataInclusaoPpp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PopupPpp.dataInclusaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 81 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp.setDataIniExibicaoPpp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into PopupPpp.dataIniExibicaoPpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 101 |
ecar.pojo.PopupPpp is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 37-157 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.PrioridadePrior is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.getDataFimValidadeRec() may expose internal representation by returning RecursoRec.dataFimValidadeRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 114 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.getDataInclusaoRec() may expose internal representation by returning RecursoRec.dataInclusaoRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 95 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.getDataIniValidadeRec() may expose internal representation by returning RecursoRec.dataIniValidadeRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 133 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.RecursoRec(String, String, Date, String, Date, String, Date, Integer, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RecursoRec.dataFimValidadeRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 50 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.RecursoRec(String, String, Date, String, Date, String, Date, Integer, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RecursoRec.dataInclusaoRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 48 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.RecursoRec(String, String, Date, String, Date, String, Date, Integer, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RecursoRec.dataIniValidadeRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 52 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.setDataFimValidadeRec(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RecursoRec.dataFimValidadeRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 118 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.setDataInclusaoRec(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RecursoRec.dataInclusaoRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 99 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec.setDataIniValidadeRec(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RecursoRec.dataIniValidadeRec | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 137 |
ecar.pojo.RecursoRec is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-201 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.RegApontamentoRegda.getDataRegda() may expose internal representation by returning RegApontamentoRegda.dataRegda | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 63 |
ecar.pojo.RegApontamentoRegda.RegApontamentoRegda(Date, String, RegDemandaRegd, UsuarioUsu, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegApontamentoRegda.dataRegda | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 41 |
ecar.pojo.RegApontamentoRegda.setDataRegda(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegApontamentoRegda.dataRegda | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 67 |
ecar.pojo.RegApontamentoRegda is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-107 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.RegControleAcessoRca.getDataAcessoRca() may expose internal representation by returning RegControleAcessoRca.dataAcessoRca | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 63 |
ecar.pojo.RegControleAcessoRca.RegControleAcessoRca(String, Date, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegControleAcessoRca.dataAcessoRca | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 35 |
ecar.pojo.RegControleAcessoRca.setDataAcessoRca(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegControleAcessoRca.dataAcessoRca | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 67 |
ecar.pojo.RegControleAcessoRca is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-78 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.getDataInclusaoRegd() may expose internal representation by returning RegDemandaRegd.dataInclusaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 146 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.getDataLimiteRegd() may expose internal representation by returning RegDemandaRegd.dataLimiteRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 99 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.getDataSituacaoRegd() may expose internal representation by returning RegDemandaRegd.dataSituacaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 174 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.getDataSolicitacaoRegd() may expose internal representation by returning RegDemandaRegd.dataSolicitacaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 136 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.RegDemandaRegd(Date, String, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, Date, PrioridadePrior, Set, Set, Set, Set, SitDemandaSitd, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, RegDemandaRegd, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataInclusaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 67 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.RegDemandaRegd(Date, String, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, Date, PrioridadePrior, Set, Set, Set, Set, SitDemandaSitd, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, RegDemandaRegd, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataLimiteRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.RegDemandaRegd(Date, String, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, Date, PrioridadePrior, Set, Set, Set, Set, SitDemandaSitd, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, RegDemandaRegd, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataSituacaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 70 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.RegDemandaRegd(Date, String, String, Integer, Date, Date, String, String, Date, PrioridadePrior, Set, Set, Set, Set, SitDemandaSitd, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, RegDemandaRegd, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataSolicitacaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 66 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.setDataInclusaoRegd(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataInclusaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 150 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.setDataLimiteRegd(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataLimiteRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 103 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.setDataSituacaoRegd(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataSituacaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 178 |
ecar.pojo.RegDemandaRegd.setDataSolicitacaoRegd(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into RegDemandaRegd.dataSolicitacaoRegd | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 140 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoAgendaBean.getData() may expose internal representation by returning | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 81 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoAgendaBean.setData(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 88 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoAreaSgta.getDataInclusaoSgta() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoAreaSgta.dataInclusaoSgta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 55 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoAreaSgta.SegmentoAreaSgta(Date, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoAreaSgta.dataInclusaoSgta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 35 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoAreaSgta.setDataInclusaoSgta(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoAreaSgta.dataInclusaoSgta | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 59 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoAreaSgta is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 29-78 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoCategoriaSgtc.getDataInclusaoSgtc() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoCategoriaSgtc.dataInclusaoSgtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 77 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoCategoriaSgtc.SegmentoCategoriaSgtc(Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, UsuarioUsu, SegmentoSgt) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoCategoriaSgtc.dataInclusaoSgtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 49 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoCategoriaSgtc.setDataInclusaoSgtc(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoCategoriaSgtc.dataInclusaoSgtc | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 81 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoCategoriaSgtc is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 40-176 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The field name ecar.pojo.SegmentoCategoriaTpAcesSgt.SegmentoCategoriaSgtc doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoCategoriaTpAcesSgtPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemFonteSgtif is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemLeiauteSgtil is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.getDataFimValidadeSgti() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoItemSgti.dataFimValidadeSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 205 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.getDataInclusaoSgti() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoItemSgti.dataInclusaoSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 168 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.getDataIniValidadeSgti() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoItemSgti.dataIniValidadeSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 215 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.getDataItemSgti() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoItemSgti.dataItemSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 324 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.SegmentoItemSgti(String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, SegmentoItemFonteSgtif, SegmentoCategoriaSgtc, SegmentoItemLeiauteSgtil, UsuarioUsu, SegmentoSgt, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataFimValidadeSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 81 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.SegmentoItemSgti(String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, SegmentoItemFonteSgtif, SegmentoCategoriaSgtc, SegmentoItemLeiauteSgtil, UsuarioUsu, SegmentoSgt, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataInclusaoSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 77 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.SegmentoItemSgti(String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, SegmentoItemFonteSgtif, SegmentoCategoriaSgtc, SegmentoItemLeiauteSgtil, UsuarioUsu, SegmentoSgt, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataIniValidadeSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 82 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.SegmentoItemSgti(String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, SegmentoItemFonteSgtif, SegmentoCategoriaSgtc, SegmentoItemLeiauteSgtil, UsuarioUsu, SegmentoSgt, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataItemSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 94 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.setDataFimValidadeSgti(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataFimValidadeSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 209 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.setDataInclusaoSgti(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataInclusaoSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 172 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.setDataIniValidadeSgti(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataIniValidadeSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 219 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti.setDataItemSgti(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoItemSgti.dataItemSgti | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 328 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemSgti is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 61-441 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The field name ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemTpAcesSgtITA.SegmentoItemSgti doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoItemTpAcesSgtITAPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoLeiauteSgtl is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoSgt.getDataInclusaoSgt() may expose internal representation by returning SegmentoSgt.dataInclusaoSgt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 159 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoSgt.SegmentoSgt(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, SegmentoAreaSgta, SisGrupoAtributoSga, SegmentoLeiauteSgtl, UsuarioUsu, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoSgt.dataInclusaoSgt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 62 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoSgt.setDataInclusaoSgt(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SegmentoSgt.dataInclusaoSgt | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 163 |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoSgt is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 46-233 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The field name ecar.pojo.SegmentoSisAtribSgtsa.SegmentoItemSgti doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
The field name ecar.pojo.SegmentoSisAtribSgtsa.SisAtributoSatb doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SegmentoSisAtribSgtsaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SelecaoItemEstruturaTela defines equals and uses Object.hashCode() | BAD_PRACTICE | HE_EQUALS_USE_HASHCODE | 61-66 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SequenciadoraSeq is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 23-59 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ServicoParametroSerParPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.ServicoSer is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-89 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SisAtributoSatb.getDataInclusaoSatb() may expose internal representation by returning SisAtributoSatb.dataInclusaoSatb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 113 |
ecar.pojo.SisAtributoSatb.SisAtributoSatb(Date, String, String, String, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SisGrupoAtributoSga, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisAtributoSatb.dataInclusaoSatb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 69 |
ecar.pojo.SisAtributoSatb.setDataInclusaoSatb(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisAtributoSatb.dataInclusaoSatb | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 117 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SisGrupoAtributoSga.getDataInclusaoSga() may expose internal representation by returning SisGrupoAtributoSga.dataInclusaoSga | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 104 |
ecar.pojo.SisGrupoAtributoSga.SisGrupoAtributoSga(String, Date, String, String, String, String, Integer, String, String, String, SisTipoOrdenacaoSto, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg, SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisGrupoAtributoSga.dataInclusaoSga | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 57 |
ecar.pojo.SisGrupoAtributoSga.setDataInclusaoSga(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisGrupoAtributoSga.dataInclusaoSga | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 108 |
ecar.pojo.SisGrupoAtributoSga is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 40-292 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg.getDataInclusaoSteg() may expose internal representation by returning SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg.dataInclusaoSteg | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 66 |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg.SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg(String, Date, String, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg.dataInclusaoSteg | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 37 |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg.setDataInclusaoSteg(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg.dataInclusaoSteg | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 70 |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoExibicGrupoSteg is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 30-89 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoOrdenacaoSto.getDataInclusaoSto() may expose internal representation by returning SisTipoOrdenacaoSto.dataInclusaoSto | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 86 |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoOrdenacaoSto.SisTipoOrdenacaoSto(String, String, String, Date, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisTipoOrdenacaoSto.dataInclusaoSto | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoOrdenacaoSto.setDataInclusaoSto(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SisTipoOrdenacaoSto.dataInclusaoSto | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 90 |
ecar.pojo.SisTipoOrdenacaoSto is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-100 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SitDemandaSitd is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-85 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SituacaoSit is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 35-182 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.StatusRelatorioSrl is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-74 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.SubAreaSare.getDataInclusaoSare() may expose internal representation by returning SubAreaSare.dataInclusaoSare | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 76 |
ecar.pojo.SubAreaSare.SubAreaSare(String, Date, String, Long, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SubAreaSare.dataInclusaoSare | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 44 |
ecar.pojo.SubAreaSare.setDataInclusaoSare(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into SubAreaSare.dataInclusaoSare | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 80 |
Confusing to have methods ecar.pojo.SubAreaSare.setItemEstruturaRevisaoIettRevs(Set) and ecar.pojo.ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev.setItemEstruturarevisaoIettrevs(Set) | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_CONFUSING | 116-117 |
ecar.pojo.SubAreaSare is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 31-126 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TelefoneTel is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 28-85 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TextosSiteTxt is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 32-133 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoAcompAbasSisatributoTaAbaSatbId is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 18-52 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoAcompFuncAcompPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoAcompGrpAcessoId is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoAcompTipofuncacompSisatributoTaTpfaSatbId is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 18-52 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The field name ecar.pojo.TipoAcompanhamentoTa.SituacaoSits doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
ecar.pojo.TipoAcompanhamentoTa is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 37-240 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoEnderecoCorrTpec is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 25-63 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoEnderecoTend is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 27-66 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The field name ecar.pojo.TipoFuncAcompTpfa.TfuncacompConfigmailTfacfgm doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.TipoParticipacaoTpp.getDataInclusaoTpp() may expose internal representation by returning TipoParticipacaoTpp.dataInclusaoTpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 70 |
ecar.pojo.TipoParticipacaoTpp.TipoParticipacaoTpp(String, Date, String, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into TipoParticipacaoTpp.dataInclusaoTpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
ecar.pojo.TipoParticipacaoTpp.setDataInclusaoTpp(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into TipoParticipacaoTpp.dataInclusaoTpp | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 74 |
ecar.pojo.TipoParticipacaoTpp is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 32-102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.Uf is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 23-97 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UnidadeOrcamentariaPeriodoExercicioUoPerExePK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UnidadeOrcamentariaUO is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 34-177 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UploadTipoArquivoUta is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 29-99 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UploadTipoCategoriaUtc is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 26-85 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioAtributoUsua.getDataInclusao() may expose internal representation by returning UsuarioAtributoUsua.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 61 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioAtributoUsua.UsuarioAtributoUsua(UsuarioAtributoUsuaPK, Date, String, SisAtributoSatb, UsuarioUsu) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioAtributoUsua.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 42 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioAtributoUsua.setDataInclusao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioAtributoUsua.dataInclusao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 65 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioAtributoUsuaPK is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 17-41 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.getDataInclusaoUsu() may expose internal representation by returning UsuarioUsu.dataInclusaoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 308 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.getDataNascimentoUsu() may expose internal representation by returning UsuarioUsu.dataNascimentoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 373 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.getDataUltAcessoUsu() may expose internal representation by returning UsuarioUsu.dataUltAcessoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 437 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.getDataUltAlteracaoUsu() may expose internal representation by returning UsuarioUsu.dataUltAlteracaoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 318 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.UsuarioUsu(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, TipoEnderecoCorrTpec, Uf, Uf, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataInclusaoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 145 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.UsuarioUsu(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, TipoEnderecoCorrTpec, Uf, Uf, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataNascimentoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 152 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.UsuarioUsu(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, TipoEnderecoCorrTpec, Uf, Uf, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataUltAcessoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 159 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.UsuarioUsu(String, String, String, Date, Date, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, Date, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, TipoEnderecoCorrTpec, Uf, Uf, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set, Set) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataUltAlteracaoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 146 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.setDataInclusaoUsu(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataInclusaoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 312 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.setDataNascimentoUsu(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataNascimentoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 377 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.setDataUltAcessoUsu(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataUltAcessoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 441 |
ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.setDataUltAlteracaoUsu(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into UsuarioUsu.dataUltAlteracaoUsu | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 322 |
The field name ecar.pojo.UsuarioUsu.ImportacaoImps doesn't start with an lower case letter | BAD_PRACTICE | NM_FIELD_NAMING_CONVENTION | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpBeneficiario.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpBeneficiario.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 145 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpCriterio.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpCriterio.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 153 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpEntidade.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpEntidade.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 149 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpEntidadeOrgao.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpEntidadeOrgao.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 151 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to estruturaFuncao in ecar.popup.PopUpFonteRecurso.getTitulo(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 94 |
Method ecar.popup.PopUpFonteRecurso.getTitulo(HttpServletRequest) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 99 |
ecar.popup.PopUpFonteRecurso.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpFonteRecurso.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 185 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpLocalItem.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpLocalItem.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 171 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpRecurso.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpRecurso.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 184 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpRegDemanda.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpRegDemanda.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 196 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpSituacao.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpSituacao.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 156 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpUf.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpUf.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 157 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.popup.PopUpUsuario.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpUsuario.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 167 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to configuracao in ecar.popup.PopUpUsuarioEGrupo.pesquisar() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 133 |
Method ecar.popup.PopUpUsuarioEGrupo.getDescricao() invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 207 |
ecar.popup.PopUpUsuarioEGrupo.getPesquisarEm() may expose internal representation by returning PopUpUsuarioEGrupo.pesquisarEm | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 236 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.popup.PopUpUsuarioEGrupo$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-162 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.popup.PopUpUsuarioEGrupo$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-169 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to contatoAreaCtta in ecar.portal.CapaContato.enviarEmail(HttpServletRequest, Long, String, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 105 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.portal.CapaContato$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-203 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to sentinelaUtil in ecar.portal.Portal.carregarMenuOpcoesTopo() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 73 |
Dead store to ignorarApos in ecar.portal.Portal.carregarMenuOpcoesTopo() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 102 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.componente.ExcluirIndicadorPorLocalServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalHierarquiaServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 111 |
Class ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalHierarquiaServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to larguraCampo in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 79 |
Dead store to larguraLocal in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 78 |
Dead store to larguraTotal in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 80 |
Dead store to totalLocal in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 182 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 135 |
ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient new String(String) constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_CTOR | 196 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 342 |
Class ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaLocalServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemDao in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 79 |
Dead store to statusAlteracao in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 74 |
Method ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 260 |
ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient new String(String) constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_CTOR | 74 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 278 |
Class ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.componente.PesquisaRealizadoFisicoPorLocalServlet$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-169 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.componente.SalvarAcompRealFisicoLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 111 |
Class ecar.servlet.componente.SalvarAcompRealFisicoLocalServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to a in ecar.servlet.componente.SalvarIndicadorPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 54 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.componente.SalvarIndicadorPorLocalServlet.execute(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 111 |
Class ecar.servlet.componente.SalvarIndicadorPorLocalServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to porta in ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 90 |
ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 61 |
Call to equals() comparing different types in ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | CORRECTNESS | EC_UNRELATED_TYPES | 155 |
ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) may fail to close stream on exception | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM_EXCEPTION_PATH | 148 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 153 |
ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) ignores return value of java.lang.Object.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 155 |
Class ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Private method ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.configurarResponse(HttpServletResponse) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 169 |
Method ecar.servlet.file.DownloadFile.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) makes inefficient use of keySet iterator instead of entrySet iterator | PERFORMANCE | WMI_WRONG_MAP_ITERATOR | 127 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.geraFilhosIett.GeraFilhosIettServlet.setaValoresIniciais(HttpServletRequest) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 144 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.caminhoUrl extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 141 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.codAref extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 145 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.codTipoAcompanhamento extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 142 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.colecaoItens extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 137 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.exigeLiberarAcompanhamento extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 143 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.idPagina extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 140 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.itemEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 146 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.pathEcar extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 139 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.periodosConsiderados extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 136 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.permissaoAdministradorAcompanhamento extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 144 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.status extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 138 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.statusLiberado extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 132 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.tpfaOrdenadosPorEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 79 |
Class ecar/servlet/geraFilhosIett/GeraFilhosIettServlet.usuario extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 135 |
Class ecar.servlet.geraFilhosIett.GeraFilhosIettServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.geraFilhosIett.GeraFilhosIettServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to tipoFuncAcompDao in ecar.servlet.geraFilhosIett.ItemEstruturaHtml.geraHtmlDoItem() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 124 |
Dead store to tipoFuncAcompDao in ecar.servlet.geraFilhosIett.ItemEstruturaHtml.imprimeColunaImagemAnotacao(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 334 |
Dead store to tipoFuncAcompDao in ecar.servlet.geraFilhosIett.ItemEstruturaHtml.imprimeColunaPareceres(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 430 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 200 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoEvolucaoPosicoes.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 207 |
Class ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoEvolucaoPosicoes defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoGanttPontosCriticos defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoGanttPontosCriticos is Serializable; consider declaring a serialVersionUID | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID | 43-267 |
Private method ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoGanttPontosCriticos.criarDataSet(List, Date) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 100-152 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoPrevisaoIndicadoresResultado.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 167 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoPrevisaoIndicadoresResultado.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 396 |
Class ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoPrevisaoIndicadoresResultado defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to meses in ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoRealizadoNoExercicio.imprimeIndicadoresMesmoGrupo(ItemEstrtIndResulIettr, ExercicioExe, int, int, HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 269 |
Dead store to meses in ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoRealizadoNoExercicio.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 116 |
Class ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoRealizadoNoExercicio defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to catDataset in ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoRealizadoPorExercicio.service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 199 |
Class ecar.servlet.grafico.GraficoRealizadoPorExercicio defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to mensagem in ecar.servlet.importaLocal.ImportarLocalIBGE.importaDadosIBGE(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 55 |
Method ecar.servlet.importaLocal.ImportarLocalIBGE.importaDados(HSSFWorkbook, HttpServletRequest) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 104 |
Method ecar.servlet.importaLocal.ImportarLocalIBGE.importaDados(HSSFWorkbook, HttpServletRequest) invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 132 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.SAIDA_DOWNLOAD isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 34 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.SAIDA_DOWNLOAD_E_GRAVAR isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 36 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.SAIDA_GRAVAR isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 35 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.caminhoArquivoSaidaGravar extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 258 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.saida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 70 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.parser(File, StringBuffer, HttpServletResponse) may fail to close stream on exception | BAD_PRACTICE | OS_OPEN_STREAM_EXCEPTION_PATH | 203 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.AbstractServletReportXmlXsl.parser(File, StringBuffer, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 208 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/LayoutArquivoExportacao.configuracao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 42 |
LayoutArquivoExportacao.configuracao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Primitive value is boxed then unboxed to perform primative coercion in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | PERFORMANCE | BX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBOXED_TO_PERFORM_COERCION | 328 |
Primitive value is boxed then unboxed to perform primative coercion in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | PERFORMANCE | BX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBOXED_TO_PERFORM_COERCION | 447 |
Primitive value is boxed then unboxed to perform primative coercion in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | PERFORMANCE | BX_BOXING_IMMEDIATELY_UNBOXED_TO_PERFORM_COERCION | 477 |
Dead store to corColuna in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 351 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 328 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 447 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 477 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.adicionaTitulo(HttpServletRequest, Element, Slide, SlideShow, String) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 602 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 220 |
Possible null pointer dereference of doc in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) on exception path | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH_EXCEPTION | 52 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.adicionaTitulo(HttpServletRequest, Element, Slide, SlideShow, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 608 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.adicionaTitulo(HttpServletRequest, Element, Slide, SlideShow, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 587 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.exibePPT(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FileOutputStream, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 643 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.MontaPPT.parserXMLPPT(StringBuffer, String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 47 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to NIVEL_PROGRAMA in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.CalcularPrevisaoService.calcularPrevisao(ItemEstruturaIettPPA) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 162 |
Dead store to NIVEL_PROGRAMA in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.CalcularPrevisaoService.calcularPrevisaoSemIntegralizacao(ItemEstruturaIettPPA) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 108 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.CalcularPrevisaoService.calcularPrevisaoByLocal(Long, Long) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 221 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Redundant nullcheck of retorno, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.CarregaItens.getItensLinhaAcao() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 52 |
Redundant nullcheck of itens, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.CarregaItens.getItensProduto(Long) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 98 |
Redundant nullcheck of itens, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.CarregaItens.getItensPrograma(Long) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 75 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to beanTmp in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAService.generateAcaoBean(Set) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 604 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAService.contadorIndicador(ArrayList) invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 584 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAService.contadorProduto(TreeSet) invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 673 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAService.CONSTANTE_LINHA_ACAO_OBRIGACOES_ESPECIAIS; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 67 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 69 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Private method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.RelatorioPPAServlet.printParam(String, ArrayList, String, ArrayList, ArrayList, String, String, String) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 176-200 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.IndicadorBean.getDataApuracao() may expose internal representation by returning IndicadorBean.dataApuracao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 37 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.IndicadorBean.setDataApuracao(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into IndicadorBean.dataApuracao | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 40 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.ProgramaBean.getFim() may expose internal representation by returning ProgramaBean.fim | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 549 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.ProgramaBean.getInicio() may expose internal representation by returning ProgramaBean.inicio | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP | 557 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.ProgramaBean.setFim(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ProgramaBean.fim | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 553 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.ProgramaBean.setInicio(Date) may expose internal representation by storing an externally mutable object into ProgramaBean.inicio | MALICIOUS_CODE | EI_EXPOSE_REP2 | 561 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.comparator.ItemEstruturaComparatorNome implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-11 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.comparator.ItemEstruturaComparatorSiglaNumero implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-14 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.comparator.LinhaAcaoComparatorSigla implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-11 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA.bean.comparator.ProdutoBeanComparatorDescricao implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-10 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.LinhaAcaoComparatorNome implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-11 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.LinhaAcaoComparatorOrgao implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-9 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.LinhaAcaoComparatorSigla implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-11 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to PRIME in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.PPA_LinhaAcaoBean.hashCode() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 145 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itens in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.RelatorioPPALinhaAcaoService.getDados(boolean) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 173 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.RelatorioPPALinhaAcaoService.RelatorioPPALinhaAcaoService() invokes inefficient Character(char) constructor; use Character.valueOf(char) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 62 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.RelatorioPPALinhaAcaoServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 63 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaAcao.RelatorioPPALinhaAcaoServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itens in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaPrograma.RelatorioPPALinhaProgramaService.getDados() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 173 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaPrograma.RelatorioPPALinhaProgramaService.RelatorioPPALinhaProgramaService() invokes inefficient Character(char) constructor; use Character.valueOf(char) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 64 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to bytes in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaPrograma.RelatorioPPALinhaProgramaServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 47 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaPrograma.RelatorioPPALinhaProgramaServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 64 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_LinhaPrograma.RelatorioPPALinhaProgramaServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.OrgaoComparatorNome implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-11 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemEstruturaDao in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.getDados() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 257 |
Dead store to prevDao in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.getDados() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 258 |
Invocation of toString on an array in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.totalizarBean(PPA_OrgaoBean, BigDecimal[]) | CORRECTNESS | DMI_INVOKING_TOSTRING_ON_ARRAY | 364 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 272 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService() invokes inefficient Character(char) constructor; use Character.valueOf(char) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 57 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.getDados() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 330 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.CONSTANTE_ORGAO; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 75 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.CONSTANTE_PODER; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 74 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.CONSTANTE_MINISTERIO_PUBLICO | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 78 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoService.CONSTANTE_PODER_LEGISLATIVO | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 82 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to bytes in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 46 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 65 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Orgao.RelatorioPPAOrgaoServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to exercicioDao in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.getPrevisao(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 526 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 249 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService() invokes inefficient Character(char) constructor; use Character.valueOf(char) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 80 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.getDados() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 410 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.CONSTANTE_ORGAO; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 68 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.CONSTANTE_PODER; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 67 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.CONSTANTE_UNIDADE; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 69 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.CONSTANTE_MINISTERIO_PUBLICO | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 72 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeService.CONSTANTE_PODER_LEGISLATIVO | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 76 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to bytes in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 47 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 64 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_OrgaoUnidade.RelatorioPPAOrgaoUnidadeServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.ProgramaComparatorNome implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-11 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itens in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaService.getDados() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 169 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaService.RelatorioPPAProgramaService() invokes inefficient Character(char) constructor; use Character.valueOf(char) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 73 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaService.PARAM_DATA_INICIO; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 66 |
Unread field: ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaService.PARAM_DATA_TERMINO; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 67 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to bytes in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 45 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 61 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_Programa.RelatorioPPAProgramaServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.RelatorioPPAFuncaoService.calcularTotalAreaARE() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 315 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.RelatorioPPAFuncaoService.getDados() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 227 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to bytes in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.RelatorioPPAFuncaoServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 48 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.RelatorioPPAFuncaoServlet.doRelatorioPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 64 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.RelatorioPPAFuncaoServlet defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to PRIME in ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.bean.FuncaoAreaAreBean.hashCode() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 102 |
FuncaoAreaAreBean.areaAre not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoAreaAreBean.codIettList not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available | not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoAreaAreBean.valor1 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoAreaAreBean.valor2 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoAreaAreBean.valor3 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoAreaAreBean.valor4 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
FuncaoSubAreaSareBean.subAreaSare not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available | not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoSubAreaSareBean.valor1 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoSubAreaSareBean.valor2 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoSubAreaSareBean.valor3 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FuncaoSubAreaSareBean.valor4 not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.bean.comparator.FuncaoComparatorAreaAre implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-10 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.PPA_funcao.bean.comparator.FuncaoComparatorSubAreaSare implements Comparator but not Serializable | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_COMPARATOR_SHOULD_BE_SERIALIZABLE | 1-10 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura.getXml(HttpServletRequest) uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 176 |
Dead store to item in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura.getXml(HttpServletRequest) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 152 |
Call to equals() comparing different types in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLEstrutura(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String, String) | CORRECTNESS | EC_UNRELATED_TYPES | 318 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.funcaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 85 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.idsEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 82 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.imprimirEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 92 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.itemCriterioDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 84 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.itensSelecionados extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 87 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.situacaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 86 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelacaoItemEstrutura.totalizadores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 83 |
Redundant nullcheck of orgao, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLEstrutura(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String, String) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 318 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field funcaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemCriterioDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelacaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field situacaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RelacaoItemEstrutura.funcaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelacaoItemEstrutura.idsEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelacaoItemEstrutura.itemCriterioDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelacaoItemEstrutura.itensSelecionados not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelacaoItemEstrutura.situacaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelacaoItemEstrutura.totalizadores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcessoUsuario.codUsu extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 53 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcessoUsuario.dataFim extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 51 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcessoUsuario.dataInicio extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 49 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcessoUsuario.nomeUsu extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 54 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcessoUsuario.ordenacao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 55 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcessoUsuario.usuarios extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 66 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to etapas in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLEtapas(XmlBuilder, AcompRelatorioArel) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1440 |
Dead store to itemEstPrev in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXmlEvolucaoFinanceira(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 747 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 693 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 448 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri, boolean) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 1219 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri, boolean) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 1251 |
Test for floating point equality in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri, boolean) | STYLE | FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY | 1238 |
int division result cast to double or float in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLColunasEtapa(XmlBuilder, List) | STYLE | ICAST_IDIV_CAST_TO_DOUBLE | 1511 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.acompRealFisicoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 125 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.acompReferenciaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 123 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.acompReferenciaItemDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 124 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.config extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 139 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.configDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 126 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.configRel extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 141 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.configRelDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 128 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.corDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 127 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.estAtribDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 130 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.estFuncDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 131 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.estruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 129 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.exigeLiberarAcompanhamento extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 156 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstContaOrcDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 135 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstPrevDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 133 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstRealizadoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 134 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstrtIndResulDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 136 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 132 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.modelo extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 215 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.pathEcar extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 140 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.pathRaiz extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 142 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.request extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 138 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento.tipoAcomp extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 155 |
Redundant nullcheck of colunas, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLEtapas(XmlBuilder, AcompRelatorioArel) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 1471 |
Redundant nullcheck of ettEtapas, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.geraXMLEtapas(XmlBuilder, AcompRelatorioArel) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 1435 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompRealFisicoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompReferenciaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompReferenciaItemDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field configDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field configRelDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field corDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estAtribDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estFuncDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstContaOrcDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstPrevDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstRealizadoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstrtIndResulDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Private method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento.verificaEtapa(EstruturaEtt, List) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 1554-1563 |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.acompRealFisicoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.acompReferenciaItemDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.config not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.corDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.estAtribDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.estFuncDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.estruturaDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstContaOrcDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstPrevDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstRealizadoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstrtIndResulDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.itemEstruturaDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.pathEcar not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento.tipoAcomp not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-604 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1383 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemEstPrev in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLEvolucaoFinanceira(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1133 |
Dead store to mesRef in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLItensGeral(XmlBuilder) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 365 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 1053 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 1079 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLItens(XmlBuilder) forces garbage collection; extremely dubious except in benchmarking code | PERFORMANCE | DM_GC | 459 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.getXml(HttpServletRequest) forces garbage collection; extremely dubious except in benchmarking code | PERFORMANCE | DM_GC | 165 |
Test for floating point equality in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY | 1071 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.acompRefItemDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 120 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.aref extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 197 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.codAriFilhos extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 194 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.configura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 129 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.dadosGerais extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 135 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.dadosGerais extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 320 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.financeiro extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 137 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.financeiro extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 322 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.funcoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 134 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.funcoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 319 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.indicadores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 136 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.indicadores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 321 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.itemDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 117 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.listFunAcomp extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 131 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.listaCompletaOrdenada extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 199 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.posicoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 133 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.posicoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 318 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.projecao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 323 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.realPath extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 141 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.request extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 124 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLAvaliacoes(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 723 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.geraXMLDadosGerais(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 818 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompRefItemDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.acompRefItemDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.aref not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.configura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.itemDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.listFunAcomp not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamentoImpresso.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to itemEstPrev in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.geraXmlEvolucaoFinanceira(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 508 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 459 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 945 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 946 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 947 |
Method ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) invokes inefficient Double(double) constructor; use Double.valueOf(double) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_FP_NUMBER_CTOR | 969 |
Test for floating point equality in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.geraXMLIndicadores(XmlBuilder, AcompReferenciaItemAri) | STYLE | FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY | 961 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.acompRealFisicoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 109 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.acompReferenciaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 107 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.acompReferenciaItemDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 108 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.config extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 122 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.configDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 110 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.configRel extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 124 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.configRelDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 112 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.corDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 111 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.estAtribDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 113 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.estFuncDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 114 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstContaOrcDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 118 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstPrevDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 116 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstRealizadoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 117 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstrtIndResulDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 119 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 115 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.modelo extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 184 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.pathEcar extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 123 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.request extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 121 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompRealFisicoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompReferenciaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field acompReferenciaItemDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field configDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field configRelDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field corDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estAtribDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estFuncDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstContaOrcDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstPrevDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstRealizadoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstrtIndResulDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007 defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.acompRealFisicoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.acompReferenciaItemDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.config not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.corDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.estAtribDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.estFuncDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstContaOrcDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstPrevDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstRealizadoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstrtIndResulDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.itemEstruturaDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioAcompanhamento_BKP_07032007.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to achou in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois.verificarProgramaApresentaFilhos(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1066 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 461 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 129 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.exercicioDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 96 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.fontesRecursosPPAs extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 100 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.idsEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 101 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.idsFontesRecursos extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 99 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.idsValores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 102 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.indResulDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 97 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.itemEstLocalDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 94 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.itemEstruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 93 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.itemEstruturaPrevisaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 95 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.paginaInicial extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 111 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.periodoFim extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 110 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.periodoIni extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 109 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.tipoRelatorio extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 112 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.tipoValor extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 113 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.titulo extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 115 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.todosItens extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 144 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalGeralAcoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 106 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalGeralAcoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 564 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalGeralAcoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 600 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalGeralProgramas extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 107 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalGeralProgramas extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 368 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalizadorEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 103 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceDois.totalizadorValores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 104 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois defines non-transient non-serializable instance field exercicioDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois defines non-transient non-serializable instance field indResulDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstLocalDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaPrevisaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.exercicioDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.fontesRecursosPPAs not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.idsEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.idsFontesRecursos not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.idsValores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.indResulDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.itemEstruturaPrevisaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.totalizadorEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceDois.totalizadorValores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1039 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceDois$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1204 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 306 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 99 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.idsEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 73 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.itemEstruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 71 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.paginaInicial extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 82 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.periodoFim extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 81 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.periodoIni extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 80 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.tipoRelatorio extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 83 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.tipoValor extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 84 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.titulo extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 86 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.todosItens extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 114 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.totalGeralAcoes extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 77 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.totalGeralProgramas extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 78 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.totalizadorEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 74 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioApendiceTres.totalizadorValores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 75 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceTres defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceTres.idsEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceTres.totalizadorEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioApendiceTres.totalizadorValores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioApendiceTres$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-503 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to strTotal in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLIndicadores_Resultado(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, boolean) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1600 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.codEttEscolhida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 136 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.codIettPai extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 137 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.contextoEcarPPA extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 143 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.estruturaEscolhida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 153 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.idsEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 129 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.imprimirEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 135 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.itensMarcados extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 127 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.orgaoEscolhido extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 198 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.orgaoResponsavel extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 131 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.seguranca extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 128 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioItemEstrutura.totalizadores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 130 |
Redundant nullcheck of orgao, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 1735 |
Redundant nullcheck of orgao, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String, List, List, List) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 1907 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.buscarFuncaoPai(ItemEstruturaIett, Long) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 2040 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLCategorias(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, boolean, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1516 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLDadosBasicos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 736 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1757 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String, List, List, List) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1927 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFontes_Recursos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1374 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFuncoes(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 554 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLHierarquia(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 621 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLIndicadores_Resultado(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1648 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLPontos_Criticos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1448 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 1746 |
ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, String, List, List, List) ignores return value of java.lang.String.equals(Object) | CORRECTNESS | RV_RETURN_VALUE_IGNORED | 1918 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field seguranca | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RelatorioItemEstrutura.idsEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioItemEstrutura.itensMarcados not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioItemEstrutura.orgaoResponsavel not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RelatorioItemEstrutura.totalizadores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-863 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-934 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RelatorioItemEstrutura$3 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-1633 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RelatorioOcorrenciasImportacao.configuracao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 42 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.codEttEscolhida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 104 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.codIettPai extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 105 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.estruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 91 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.estruturaEscolhida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 114 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.estruturaFuncaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 94 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.funcaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 95 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.idsEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 99 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.imprimirEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 103 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.itemCriterioDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 93 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.itemEstruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 92 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.itensMarcados extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 98 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.orgaoEscolhido extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 159 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.orgaoResponsavel extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 101 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.seguranca extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 97 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.situacaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 96 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstrutura.totalizadores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 100 |
Redundant nullcheck of orgao, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, List, List, List) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 755 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLDadosBasicos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 493 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, List, List, List) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 778 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLFuncoes(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 392 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLHierarquia(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 431 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura.geraXMLIndicadores_Resultado(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, String, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 647 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estruturaFuncaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field funcaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemCriterioDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field seguranca | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura defines non-transient non-serializable instance field situacaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.estruturaDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.estruturaFuncaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.funcaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.idsEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.itemCriterioDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.itensMarcados not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.orgaoResponsavel not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.situacaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstrutura.totalizadores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-520 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstrutura$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-633 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.codEttEscolhida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 104 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.codIettPai extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 105 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.estruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 91 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.estruturaEscolhida extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 114 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.estruturaFuncaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 94 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.funcaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 95 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.idsEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 99 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.imprimirEstrutura extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 103 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.itemCriterioDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 93 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.itemEstruturaDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 92 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.itensMarcados extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 98 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.orgaoEscolhido extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 159 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.orgaoResponsavel extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 101 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.seguranca extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 97 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.situacaoDao extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 96 |
Class ecar/servlet/relatorio/RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.totalizadores extends Servlet class and uses instance variables | STYLE | MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD | 100 |
Redundant nullcheck of orgao, which is known to be non-null in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, List, List, List) | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 764 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.geraXMLDadosBasicos(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 485 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.geraXMLFilhosPorOrgao(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturaIett, String, List, List, List) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 787 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.geraXMLFuncoes(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 391 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.geraXMLIndicadores_Resultado(XmlBuilder, ItemEstruturarevisaoIettrev, String, boolean) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 640 |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field estruturaFuncaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field funcaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemCriterioDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field itemEstruturaDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field seguranca | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas defines non-transient non-serializable instance field situacaoDao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.estruturaDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.estruturaFuncaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.funcaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.idsEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.itemCriterioDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.itensMarcados not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.orgaoResponsavel not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.situacaoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas.totalizadores not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-513 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.servlet.relatorio.RevisaoItemEstruturaMetasFisicas$2 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-626 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.servico.ApuracaoAtrasoConclusaoPontosCriticos defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.servico.ApuracaoConclusaoPontosCriticos defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.servico.ApuracaoReprogramacaoExtensaoPontosCriticos defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.servico.ApuracaoReprogramacaoReducaoPontosCriticos defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.servlet.servico.ApuracaoTotalPontosCriticos defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.taglib.combos.ComboReferenciaTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 115 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.combos.ComboReferenciaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 124 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to obj in ecar.taglib.combos.ComboTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 158 |
ecar.taglib.combos.ComboTag.ComboTag() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 125 |
ecar.taglib.combos.ComboTag.ComboTag(JspWriter) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 125 |
Redundant nullcheck of ecar.taglib.combos.ComboTag.objetosExcluidos, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.combos.ComboTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 214 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.combos.ComboTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 258 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
TagFilho.textos not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to f in ecar.taglib.teste.Teste.main(String[]) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 113 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to tagInput in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 96 |
Redundant nullcheck of ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.podeEditar, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 117 |
Redundant nullcheck of ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.podeEditar, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 136 |
Redundant nullcheck of ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.podeEditar, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 175 |
Redundant nullcheck of ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.podeEditar, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 193 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 228 |
AnexosListaTag.estruturaFuncao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
AnexosListaTag.permissaoAlterar not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to tagInput in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosUploadTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 95 |
Nullcheck of AnexosUploadTag.anexo at line 132 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosUploadTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 128 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.AnexosUploadTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 176 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag.ABA_ACOMPANHAMENTOS isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 46 |
ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag.ABA_DADOS_BASICOS isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 44 |
ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag.PATH_ACOMP isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 47 |
ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag.ABA_REALIZADO_FISICO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 45 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 90 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 167 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturaElabAcompTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Call to equals() comparing different types in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturasTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | EC_UNRELATED_TYPES | 157 |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturasTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 107 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturasTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 234 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturasTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field seguranca | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreEstruturasTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field validaPermissao | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
ArvoreEstruturasTag.itemEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to tipoFuncAcompDao in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.imprimeColunaImagemAnotacao(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 305 |
Dead store to tipoFuncAcompDao in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.imprimeColunaPareceres(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 396 |
Dead store to filhosExibir in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.imprimeColunasDoItem(ItemEstruturaIett) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 112 |
Dead store to s in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 85 |
Use of non-localized String.toUpperCase() or String.toLowerCase | I18N | DM_CONVERT_CASE | 173 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 92 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.taglib.util.ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field seguranca | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.itemEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.periodosConsiderados not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
ArvoreFilhosItemEstruturaTag.usuario not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
BarraAcoesEmailTag.lista not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 121 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 123 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 125 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 127 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 133 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 139 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 145 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 157 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 163 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 169 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 175 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 181 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() uses the same code for two branches | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_BRANCHES | 191 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 204 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.BarraBotoesTag.DIVISAO; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 29 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinkTipoAcompanhamentoTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to pontosCriticos in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 112 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 118 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
The class ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksItemEstruturaTag$1 could be refactored into a named _static_ inner class | PERFORMANCE | SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON | 1-69 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Redundant nullcheck of arel, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompParecerTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 176 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompParecerTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 271 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompParecerTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompParecerTag.acompReferenciaItem not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompParecerTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompParecerTag.usuario not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to pontosCriticos in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 113 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 198 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 122 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag.acompReferenciaItem not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompSuperiorTag.selectedFuncao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to pontosCriticos in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 153 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 261 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 162 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRegAcompTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompTag.acompReferenciaItem not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
BarraLinksRegAcompTag.selectedFuncao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to ehAssociacao in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRelatorioAcompanhamentoTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 82 |
Dead store to pontosCriticos in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRelatorioAcompanhamentoTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 204 |
Call to equals() comparing different types in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRelatorioAcompanhamentoTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | EC_UNRELATED_TYPES | 85 |
Comparison of String parameter using == or != in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRelatorioAcompanhamentoTag.podeCriarAba(String, String, String, boolean) | BAD_PRACTICE | ES_COMPARING_PARAMETER_STRING_WITH_EQ | 311 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRelatorioAcompanhamentoTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 285 |
BarraLinksRelatorioAcompanhamentoTag.funcaoSelecionada not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksRelatorioItens.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 79 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to link in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 56 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraLinksTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 73 |
BarraLinksTag.verificaMonitoramento not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.taglib.util.BarraPesquisaTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Suspicious comparison of java.lang.Long references in ecar.taglib.util.BarraSinaisTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | RC_REF_COMPARISON | 150 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.BarraSinaisTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 163 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to obj in ecar.taglib.util.CheckListTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 100 |
Redundant nullcheck of ecar.taglib.util.CheckListTag.objetosExcluidos, which is known to be non-null in ecar.taglib.util.CheckListTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_OF_NONNULL_VALUE | 129 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.CheckListTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 165 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.taglib.util.FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 105 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 106 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 107 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 108 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 112 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 48 |
FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.atributo not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormConsultaRegDemandaTag.regDemanda not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to situacao in ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.geraHTMLSituacaoSit() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 866 |
Dead store to area in ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.criaJScriptArea(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1680 |
Dead store to selectedCodSapadrao in ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 958 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 58 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 920 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 90 |
Self comparison of codigo with itself ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.geraHTMLFuncaoAcompanhamento() | CORRECTNESS | SA_LOCAL_SELF_COMPARISON | 1070 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.validaPermissao | PERFORMANCE | URF_UNREAD_FIELD | 52 |
FormEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.atributo not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to situacao in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.geraHTMLSituacaoSit() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 712 |
Dead store to area in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.criaJScriptArea(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1256 |
Dead store to auxScriptValueBtn in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.geraHTMLIndBloqPlanejamentoIett() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 847 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 50 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.geraHTMLJustificativaIett() invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 159 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 72 |
FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.atributo not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.itemEstruturaRevisao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.seguranca not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to situacao in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.geraHTMLSituacaoSit() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 884 |
Dead store to area in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.criaJScriptArea(List) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1761 |
Dead store to selectedCodSapadrao in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 959 |
Dead store to auxScriptValueBtn in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.geraHTMLIndBloqPlanejamentoIett() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1179 |
Dead store to auxScriptValueBtn in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.geraHTMLIndMonitoramentoIett() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1117 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.FormItemEstruturaTag() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 63 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 102 |
Self comparison of codigo with itself ecar.taglib.util.FormItemEstruturaTag.geraHTMLFuncaoAcompanhamento() | CORRECTNESS | SA_LOCAL_SELF_COMPARISON | 1069 |
FormItemEstruturaTag.atributo not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormItemEstruturaTag.itemEstrutura not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormItemEstruturaTag.seguranca not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to entid in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaEntidade(String, String, Set, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1070 |
Dead store to entid in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaEntidadeOrgao(String, String, Set, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1136 |
Dead store to loc in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaLocal(String, String, Set, String) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1201 |
Dead store to entidades in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLEntidadeDemandaEntds() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 578 |
Dead store to entidadeOrgaos in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLEntidadeOrgaoDemandaEntorgds() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 601 |
Dead store to locais in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLLocalDemandaLdems() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 624 |
Dead store to selectedCodSapadrao in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 1340 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLAtributoLivre() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 1304 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLPrioridadePrior() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 287 |
ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.geraHTMLSitDemandaSitd() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 254 |
Possible null pointer dereference of entidades in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaEntidade(String, String, Set, String) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1069 |
Possible null pointer dereference of entidadeOrgaos in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaEntidadeOrgao(String, String, Set, String) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1135 |
Possible null pointer dereference of locais in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaLocal(String, String, Set, String) | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 1200 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 76 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaEntidade(String, String, Set, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1079 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaEntidadeOrgao(String, String, Set, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1145 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.FormRegDemandaTag.criaPesquisaLocal(String, String, Set, String) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 1231 |
FormRegDemandaTag.acao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormRegDemandaTag.atributo not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormRegDemandaTag.regDemanda not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
FormRegDemandaTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to atribLivre in ecar.taglib.util.Input.buscaAtributo(SisAtributoSatb) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 748 |
ecar.taglib.util.Input.Input() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 136 |
ecar.taglib.util.Input.Input(JspWriter) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 136 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputImagem() | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 771 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputImagem() | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 774 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputValidacao() | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 856 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputValidacao() | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 862 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputValidacaoCampo(String) | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 902 |
Call to equals() with null argument in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputValidacaoCampo(String) | CORRECTNESS | EC_NULL_ARG | 908 |
int division result cast to double or float in ecar.taglib.util.Input.addInputImagem() | STYLE | ICAST_IDIV_CAST_TO_DOUBLE | 806 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.Input.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 237 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.taglib.util.InputTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.ALIGN; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 37 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.ASPAS; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 30 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.CLASS; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 46 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.COLSPAN; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 38 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.END_INPUT; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 43 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.END_LABEL; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 41 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.END_TD; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 45 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.EXTRA; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 36 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.INPUT; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 42 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.LABEL; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 40 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.MAXLENGTH; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 35 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.NAME; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 32 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.ROWSPAN; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 39 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.SIZE; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 34 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.TD; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 44 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.TYPE; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 31 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.VALUE; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 33 |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.InputTag.WIDTH; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 47 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Class ecar.taglib.util.LinkStopTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Unread field: ecar.taglib.util.LinkStopTag.DIVISAO; should this field be static? | PERFORMANCE | SS_SHOULD_BE_STATIC | 31 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to sentinelaUtil in ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 51 |
Dead store to teste in ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag.imprimeSubMenusFilhos(List, int) | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 289 |
ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag.opcoesPrincipais(List) invokes inefficient new String(String) constructor | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_CTOR | 157 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 88 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field request | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Class ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field writer | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Private method ecar.taglib.util.MenuTag.montaMenuJS(List) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 332 |
MenuTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
MenuTag.writer not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.taglib.util.Options.doStartTag() uses the same code for two switch clauses | STYLE | DB_DUPLICATE_SWITCH_CLAUSES | 180-181 |
ecar.taglib.util.Options.Options() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 59 |
ecar.taglib.util.Options.Options(JspWriter) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 59 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.Options.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 199 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.Options.addOpcaoRadioButton(String, String, Object, StringBuffer, int) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 362 |
Options.options not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosListaTag.PontosCriticosListaTag() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 47 |
ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosListaTag.PontosCriticosListaTag(JspWriter) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 47 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosListaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 300 |
PontosCriticosListaTag.pontoCriticoDao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Dead store to id in ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE | 350 |
ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.PontosCriticosTag() invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 61 |
ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.PontosCriticosTag(JspWriter) invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(...) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_BOOLEAN_CTOR | 61 |
Method ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.doStartTag() invokes toString() method on a String | PERFORMANCE | DM_STRING_TOSTRING | 442 |
Possible null pointer dereference of itCores in ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | NP_NULL_ON_SOME_PATH | 347 |
Nullcheck of PontosCriticosTag.pontoCritico at line 169 of value previously dereferenced in ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.doStartTag() | CORRECTNESS | RCN_REDUNDANT_NULLCHECK_WOULD_HAVE_BEEN_A_NPE | 129 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.PontosCriticosTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 544 |
PontosCriticosTag.disabled not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
PontosCriticosTag.pontoCritico not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
PontosCriticosTag.request not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
PontosCriticosTag.seguranca not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.PopUpsTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 71 |
Class ecar.taglib.util.PopUpsTag defines non-transient non-serializable instance field logger | BAD_PRACTICE | SE_BAD_FIELD | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 96 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 77 |
Private method ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoEstruturaAtributoFiltroTag.geraValidacaoMoeda(ObjetoEstrutura) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 614-623 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 76 |
Private method ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoItemEstruturaRevisaoTag.geraValidacaoMoeda(ObjetoEstrutura) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 676-681 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 132 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoItemEstruturaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 110 |
Private method ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoItemEstruturaTag.geraValidacaoMoeda(ObjetoEstrutura) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 751-756 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoRegDemandaTag.doStartTag() | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 83 |
Private method ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoRegDemandaTag.geraValidacaoExistenciaCamposClassificaDemanda() is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 376-404 |
Private method ecar.taglib.util.ValidacaoRegDemandaTag.geraValidacaoMoeda(ObjetoDemanda) is never called | PERFORMANCE | UPM_UNCALLED_PRIVATE_METHOD | 507-511 |
ValidacaoRegDemandaTag.acao not initialized in constructor | STYLE | UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR | Not available |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 65 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 66 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 67 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 68 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 69 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 70 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 71 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 72 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 73 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 74 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 75 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 76 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 77 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 78 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 79 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 80 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 81 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 82 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 83 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 84 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 85 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 86 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 87 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 88 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 89 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 90 |
Method ecar.util.Dominios.<static initializer>() invokes inefficient Integer(int) constructor; use Integer.valueOf(int) instead | PERFORMANCE | DM_NUMBER_CTOR | 92 |
ecar.util.Dominios.NAO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 14 |
ecar.util.Dominios.PATH_REMOTE_IMAGES isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 17 |
ecar.util.Dominios.SIM isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 13 |
ecar.util.Dominios.POSICAO_DETALHE isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 21 |
ecar.util.Dominios.POSICAO_LISTAGEM isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 20 |
ecar.util.Dominios.POSICAO_RELATORIO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 22 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line |
ecar.util.jasper.JasperService.PATH_RELATORIO isn't final but should be | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL | 30 |
Should ecar.util.jasper.JasperService.geraRelatorioPDF(JasperPrint) return a zero length array rather than null? | STYLE | PZLA_PREFER_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAYS | 175 |
Should ecar.util.jasper.JasperService.geraRelatorioPDF(JasperReport, Map, JRBeanCollectionDataSource) return a zero length array rather than null? | STYLE | PZLA_PREFER_ZERO_LENGTH_ARRAYS | 200 |
Exception is caught when Exception is not thrown in ecar.util.jasper.JasperService.addRelatorio(JasperPrint, JasperPrint, ByteArrayOutputStream) | STYLE | REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION | 162 |